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Women's participation in urban governance: a case study of Gajipur

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dc.contributor.advisor Haliz, Dr. Roxana
dc.contributor.author Sanjida Shamsher Elora
dc.date.accessioned 2015-11-03T06:52:53Z
dc.date.available 2015-11-03T06:52:53Z
dc.date.issued 2003-12
dc.identifier.uri http://lib.buet.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1082
dc.description.abstract Bangladesh has the highest presence of woman in all Government levels as the constitution allows. This study tries to show (he difference between women's presence and "Participation" in the government level practically. Women in Bangladesh, who are workmg in various organizations, other than Govenmlent organizations, are more active and also have the power of taking decisions ifneedcd. Concerned organizations arc strengthening thcsc women to fulf11lthcir target. On the other hand, women who are being elected as the word commissioners in urban areas and taking over the rcsponsibilities are doing their jobs m a honourary basis. They don't havc enough awareness about their functions and responsibilities; cvcn they are never given any target towards thcir work. Local womcn are also very much uninformed about the benefit of having women representatives in the decision - making level for their better quality of life. This paper examincs some comparative picture of women's participation in decisionmaking level of Tongi Paurashava of Gazipl.lrDistrict. It has been shown that how and why women partlclpation in the decision-making level, politically and soclally, is much needed for the enhancement of local women's quality of life and development of physical and soclO-economiccondition of the urban area as well. Some opinion of local womcn has also been framed in this study about their representatives, who should really provide some positive effect in improving the condition of (he urban arca locally. Collected information can help to solvc the problems of women's involvement in decision-making level in the urban governance ofGazipur.1t is also expected that the findings of the research will bc helpful in framing appropriate policies for incrcasing women involvement in urban governancc of the study area, as well as in the dccision-making level for the urban development of total Bangladesh. It is expected (hat the information and data collected in this study will also provide avenues for further study and research in this field. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Urban and Regional Planning en_US
dc.subject Women-Urban governance-Gajipur en_US
dc.title Women's participation in urban governance: a case study of Gajipur en_US
dc.type Thesis-MURP en_US
dc.identifier.accessionNumber 99607
dc.contributor.callno 352.0954922/SAN/2003 en_US

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