Althou!;h lhe drou!;hl~are common in the north-west region of the eounlry, e'pecially
in the lJarind Tracl, not much is known about thc miligation measures adopted hy lhe
farmers. This study wa, accomplished with a view to assess the drought ofT. Aman
season of 2006 and farmers' managemenl practice, of drought alleviation at Godagari
Upazila in Rajshahi di,tricl. The time amj c"t~nt of drought was calculated by using
thc watcr balance alld relative waler supply mdhod" Thc probability analysis of
rainfall alld crop ""ter rcquirement was carricd out by Gamma distribution. Drollghl
alTceted yield was estimated by using crup production function. A farmer~: su,,'co'
"as condudcd to gain information on drought aITcctcdyields, 1ilrmers' management
praeliee, of drought alleviation and related ,ncio-cconomic issues.
From the water balance analy~is, it is found lhal three droughts occurred during the T.
Aman sea,oll of 2006. During vegetative stage one drought of six days duration,
during rcproductive stage one drought of four days duration and in ripening stage one
drought of~ixlccn days duration occurred, 'rhe averagc valucs of RWS were O,GOin
vegetative stage, 0.66 in rcproductive slage and 0 in ripening "tage. The average value
of RWS was 0.45 in 2006 T, Aman sea~on, Both lhe analy,e, ,howed thaI ~evere
droughl occurred during the ripening stage ofT. Arnan in 2006.
From probobility analy,i", il was obser~ed that the probabi lity n f min rail tbat occurred
during the T. Aman sca~on of 2006 is about 20% (onee in abom fivc years),
Probability of meeting the crop water rcquircment from rainfall is 67% (aboul ~evCll
times in I0 years),
From the farmers' survey, il wa, revealed lhat during 200G, 75% uftbe Janners used
supplementary irrigation lor T. Aman production. The average yield was 4,05 M.
ton!ha for lhe farmcr> who provided supplementary irrigation and drought affected
yield was 1.64 M. ton/ha. The drought affected yicld ealeulaled f,om crop prociueli@
fUlletion waS 1,65 M. IOn/ha. Actual drought affected area dUl'ing 2006 T. Aman
season was estimated as 4272 hcctares which was about 13% o[ lhe Arnan cultivated
arca, 'rhe beneti!-cost mtio (EeR) of ;upp1ememary Lrrigalionfrom surface woler and
ground water were 4.10 anu 5.88, respectively, The farmers' survey showed lhat
supplementary irrigation was the only socialiy acceptabl~ managcment practice of
drought alleviatian ill the study area. The study rev~kd lhal due to the application of
supplementary irrigation, droughts do not s~'erely aflCetlhc T. Aman yield.