In this thesis under the title "Critical behavior 0 f the Solution of Hydromagnetie Flows in
Com'ergent.Divcrgent Channels", two problems have been studied namely
Hydromagndic Flows in Comergent-Divergent Challllels and [he Laminar Unsteady
flow of a Viscous Fluid away from a Plane Stagnation Point, which belong to two
different realms. Initially we havc discussed some basic topics in order (0 study the
problems and the appro~imation meth.ods.
Firs(/y, wc have studied thc location and naturc of dominant singularity in the complex
plane for laminar unsteady flow of a viscous fluid at a plane stagnation point_ Thc series
~~pansion with 44 terms in time of the shear stress is inveMigated with High-ordcr
difTerential approximant to determine the poles in thc complex plane using algebraic
programming language MAPLE. The scries-improvement techniqucs are employed to
impro\-e its convergencc propertics_ It is ohserved that lhe performance of High-order
differcntial Jppl'Oximant i~ bettcr than that of Padc' approximant and Drazin-Tourigny
"inally, we have studied the two-dimensional, 5leady, nonlinear now or an
lllcompressibJe conducting viscous fluid in Convergent-Divergent Channels under thc
influence of an e"ternaily ~pplicd homogeneous magnetic ficld by means
of Hermi/e - Pade' approximation especially differentwl approximate mcthod. We have
obt~illed the series related to similarity parameter~ by using algebraic programming
language MAPLE. The serie~ is then analy~ed by appro~imate methods to show the
dominatmg singularity behavi()r of the flow and the eritieal relationship among the
parametcrs of (he solution_