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Development of a human resource information system (HRIS) in Bangladesh Jute Research Institute

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dc.contributor.advisor Hasin, Dr. M. Ahsan Akhtar
dc.contributor.author Khandokar Morshed Kamal
dc.date.accessioned 2015-11-16T11:47:43Z
dc.date.available 2015-11-16T11:47:43Z
dc.date.issued 2005-11
dc.identifier.uri http://lib.buet.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1215
dc.description.abstract The New Economy IS dnving a 'Worldwide <conOlTI1C shift that will have a profound impact on our live>;, Two confluent forces ha,c triggered this phenomenon _ the globalizatlon of bu,inc;;, and the Information r""hnology (TIl IT " crealmg new opporlumtles for busincs>cs, countries Jnd people by leveling the playing field for everyone. InfomlallOn Technology Can playa major role to modernize the IlR management of an orgallllalion. In loday's business environment, llR must become a leader in Identifymg new bu,inc" opportunities, defil1lng bminess strategy and corporate pnontics, ~nd preparing the orgamzatlOll for contlllUOUSand ofien di,ruptive ch"ngc;. To harness the benefit of Human Resources 1Il full potential, an orgamwlion Can adopl " computerized ,)'Stem known a, Human Resource lnfoml.llion Sy,tcm (HIUS). BRIS is designed to support the plallmng, admlllistratlOn, deCISIon-making, and control activities of human resources. Appl1catlOns su~h as cmployee ,e1ectioll and placement, payroll, pension, benefits management, training projections, career progress, equlty monitonng, and productivity evaluation are supported by tlus mfonnatlOn 'y,lcm. Managing human resources ha. many forms and mamfestations. Im'ariably it boils down to taklllg deei,ions concerning the employment, non-employment or lenns ofcmployrnent of the human resources such that the organlzatlonal goals arC mcl. But decision-making is dlfficult under COnd,tions of ullcertainty. To reduce the level of unccrtainty, the Human Resource Management (HRJ,,1) spe~ialist requues IIlfonnatlon and data in thc particular environmellt in WlllCh he/she has to function, Such infonnatioll and data i, pro,ided to HR manager by the HRIS function. Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BIIU) i, "n "lLtonomous govemment org"nlzatlon, L1ke other govermnent orgamzatlOn, t1'aditlOllal (i.e. manual) ')'f>tem of HR transacllOll occurs III lhi, inSlitule. Valuable time and m"npower are not bemg used IIIall effective mannor beoaus. of tho trJditlOnal system. Automallon " the most appropriale W"y to reduce the repelltlve task, of HR dcpartmcnt and it also reduces the manpower cost in the long run. Flrst phase of this study is to invc.<;tigatethe eXlStmgHR system ofBJRI. The ",,,ond phase oftlle study IS to develop an HR infonnatiOll system for ~le organization, Development of such a software needs thorough system analYSIS and design as well as extellsive evaluation and testing before actually implementation. After ll]vestigatlllg the CUITentsystem of BJRI, a software has been developed name as HR As,i,t"nt Plus, The developed softw",,, ,,"n roplace the trad,tional HR system of BJRJ. 111Cdet",l sy,tem aTI"lysis of the software is covered in the ,tudy. A relevant overview of thc literature is also incorporated to make the study comprehenSLve. The benefits and the ehallengc, involved ill implemenlmg such aUlomation arc d"cussed exlenSlvely in the study. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, BUET en_US
dc.subject Personal management - BJRI en_US
dc.title Development of a human resource information system (HRIS) in Bangladesh Jute Research Institute en_US
dc.type Thesis-MSc en_US
dc.contributor.id 040308171 P en_US
dc.identifier.accessionNumber 101036
dc.contributor.callno 658.3095492/KHA/2005 en_US

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