In this thesis, the efTecls of radiation on iree convection flow with isothermal ~urface and
".ith UnifOl'ill surface heat I1ll';: on a sphere have been investigated. The physical problems
are represented mathematically by different sej~ of governing equations along with the
~oITespondillg boundary conditions. Using appropriate transformations, the governing
equations containing eqllation~ of continuity, momentwn and energy are transformed inl.o a
Sci of nOll-dimensional boundary lay~r equations subject 10"appropriate bOlmdary conditions,
which are lh~n 8oh'ed numerically ""11hthe K;ller box scheme of:Qnite-ditIerence method.
Here imporlan~e hus been given on the e\'aluation of surla~e shear stress in terms of local
skin friction. rate ofhcallmn~fer in terms ofNlLsselt number also on velocity profiles <15well
<IS temperature profiles. A ~elected parameter set is also considered for computation
consisting of radi<llion pmameter Rei, surface temperature parameter 8w and Prandtl number
Pc. The results in terms of local skin friction, local Nusselt munber are shown in tabular
forms. Veloeil) profiles, temperature profiles, skin friction coefficienl and rate of he'll
transfer have been displayed graphically for v,nlous values of radiation parameter, surface
temperature parameter separatel)' ,md the Prandtl number as welL