I he group theory is appli~d to pr€~ellt all analysis of the prohlem of unsteady iunlinar
natural convection from a vertj~al porous flat plate. A~_\umillg suction for (he porous
plate. analylj~al e"pressiol1, for flow characteristic.I are obtained. j he apr! [cation of oncparamete,
groups reduces th~ number of mdepelldellt variables by une ~nd the system ,,[-
governing partial dLflerenlial equations \\.[th boundary condil;on" reduces to a syslem Qf
ordin~ry dLfferenlial equalion, with appropriate boundary conditions. Tile possihl~ form,
01"~LLrfacetemperature variations are denved. The one set of ordinary differential
equation, are solved numerically using shooling method based on Sixlh order Il.ungckutUl
sch~mc along Wilh l\achhhiem-Swigen ilemtioilleehilique. Pmgramming soft"are
FORTRA1\ 90 i, used to implement Runge-Kulla method and visu~lj,ation :'o(\ware
TECPLOl' is uscd to creatc graph,>. The efrect of suction parameler On the velocity,
temperawL"c,thc skin li'lction and the rate of heat transfcr for (ixed Prandtl number is
di,cussed WJlhlhe help" I-graph,. AIso lhe heat tran,fcr chara~leri ,tic, fell \ at, iI\g value,
of Prandll nlLl1hler and Iixed su,tioll parameter ate pre,>enlcd