dc.description.abstract |
'Iwo-dimensional hnite VOIUI11t ,vlethoJ (I-V,\I) hu; been upplied (0 ,,,lve Fluid
SlrllClllfc [nl~raclion (FSJ) probleills III thb research work. The numcl'lcal solutions
of rhe governing equatio", ha\'~ been oblained LL.,ingcommnci"i CrD ,otiwarc
package FLL'Cl\T 6,2, C ircillal' cyl i ndcr alld foul' ,,\ is) Inmetric bodie, of r~,()llIliol1,
such as, sphere, ORCA smnctilrd sll~lllarjl1e bill'e 11111p1o, d and underwaLl" "dicit
hulll,]r"" based cln Gcrlicr", gcomcll'y ar~ used <IStest C'lses for thi, ,tudy 111ea", of'
~ir~lIbr cylinder. \lcady lall1in~r !low m R~ynollf\ numher of 211and 40. LLIl.,lcady
laminm H"" al I'L~IOO "nd lurb"kJl! Ilow at Rc =1000 and 3900 ~Ie simulated.
Ihree turhul"nce model,. nam~ly. qamla,d k-I', realizable k-L\ sh~ar SIres, lI';)nspol1
('~ST) h-," are used to c,lplllfe Illlhlll~llt now. '['",o-dimen,ion,,1 a.~i'YLlllnetric !low
sol\'er hilS been used to anal)'7~ turbuleI1111,,,, ",',,"nd sphere. DRE.'" ,ubrnurinc bare
hulL pod ml<1undcrl"Qtcr vehicle hull fonn' ,II Re)l1okh number or 5x 10". 2.3x In"-
3xlO' al1d 2xl(J' r~'p~l'ti,c1", For sphere. Spal~r(-AIllTlams (S-"') Ql1d,hear ,Ire"
lrall.'port (SST) k-OJ turb"lence modcls ~nd fell' ~II OTheraxisymmetric hodie,. oilly
,hear .<lI'es, Ilall,pOI1 (SS'f) k-,--, tllrhLLkLlccm()dl'1 arC uscd. The Llumcrlcal re';ults in
l"rm., or lhe ,kin friction wcflI~imt. prc,Mlre cllcilicicnt and drQg coetlkiellt for
dinerellt Re)nold, nlllllheL\ have hecn shown either gmphieally or ill the mb"l",
form. Velocity veel",s as \\ell '" ~ontolll' "I- rr~""'c di,lrib'llion have ~Iso heen
disl,by~d glal,hi~ally. The wmpl!ll'd rl'sul!' ,how good agreerncnl with lhe
~"perimelltal me'''UI'emenLsJlllll1l~ri~"ll'l'Sllll, ubta;ncd by olher rcscarcbel's. |
en_US |