In this thesis, the tbermo-fluid-dynamic field resulting from tIle coupling
of natural convection along and conduction inside a healed nat plate is
numerically studied by means of implicit finite difference method in the
entire region starting from the lower part of the plate to down ~trcam.
The results in terms of shear stress coefliClent and surface temperature
coefficient for different Pnmdtl numbers arc compared with the
perturbation solution ncar the lower part of the plate and asymptotic
solution in the down stream region and found an excellent agreement for
flat plate. In second pari unsteady laminar natural convectlOll flow has
been considered in an inclined square cavity. The lop horizontal wall, the
right vertical wall, the bottom wall of the cavity arc cool and the \ell
vertical wall is heated. The equations arc non-dimensional and solved
numerically by an upwind finite difference method together with a
successive over-relaxation (SOR) technique. Results are shown on the
streamlines configuration as well as the isolines of temperatures, The
fluid has Prandtl number Pr =7.0 while the value of the Rayleigh
numbc~, Ra varies from [03 to 10' and coupling parameter,p varies from
(l.O to 1.0 and angle inclination <jl, varies from 0° to 90° for cavity,