The similarity solutions of un~leady mixed convection boundary layer equations
over a fl"l porous vertical plate has been inve,tigated by the method of one parameter
cODtinuou> Group Theory. By repealed apphcatioll<;of this method which redu<:es the
number of independent v"riable~, firstly [rom three to two and finally frol11two 10one,
lhe governing boundary layer partial differential equations arc transformed into a pair of
nonlinear ordinary differential equations with appropriate boundary condition~. One set
of the coupled nonlinear equations arc solved numerically. The resullS thus obtained arc
compared with all other relevant work-; in literature.
The heal transfer and skin frittion faclols {q.(O),r w(O)}arc jnve,ligated und
Rhown graphically for some values 01 contl'Olling p;lrameters by uRing Programming
software FORTRAN 77 and visualizing software TECI'LOT II would be shown that both
lhe skin friclion und heal lran<;fercoeffIcient illcreas~s with suction and decreuses wnh