A,steady ru'o-d imen,ion~ I I\tHD n~tural convection now of ,i,cou, ;nml1lpl'essib Ie fIwid
along a unltormly healed vertical wa,]' ,urface ill presence ofintern~j heat generation and
jouk heating ha, b~~n investigated Using the appropriate lran,k',-mation, the ha,ic
equutions are changed to non-dirncn"ional oOllndary layer equations, \,.hICh arc solved
numerically by employing the implicit finite ditTcrcncc method l()gdiler with Keller-box
,cherne. The program code oj this method ha, been developed in fORTRAN 90.
Ilere we have focused our allenl;on on the evolillion ot the ,,,,I),ce ,hear qre" ill terms of
local skin iriclion, rale of heat transfer in terms oflocal N u."e It llUI1lher. \'e10Cl1:y profile,
temperature dislribution, isotherms as well as th~ ,[r~amlines for a sclcclion ofparamel~r
;ct, consi,ting of heat g~n~ratlon param~ter Q (-11.0 to [,0), lhe magn~tic parameler lv(
(~O.IIto 2.0), th~ joule heating parameterJ (=0,0 to 2,0). the amplitude ofwQvin~ss ,,(=
11.0to 0.4) of the surface and lh~ Prandtl numbet Pr (= 0.7. I 74,3.0 and 7.0), The rc,ulh
have been ,hown gr~phically by utiliLing Lhevi,"ali7,;ng soflware TECf'1.0'f.'[ he results
obtained from the numcri~al sludy have been dis~ussed emphasi7ing the physical