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Browsing Dissertation/Theses - Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering by Title

Browsing Dissertation/Theses - Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering by Title

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  • Prodip Kumer Chowdhury (Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering (PMRE), 2010-04)
    Eastern Refinery Limited is the only Petroleum Refining Company in Bangladesh which was established in 1968. Its installed capacity is 1.5 million MT. But now it can hardly process 1.3 million MT due to its aging effect. ...
  • Sanwar Hossain, Mohammad (Department of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, 2007-12)
    The gas fields in Bangladesh discovered so far discovered arc located in the Eastern Part of the country. As a result gas based power plants, fertilizer factories and industries have been set up only in the Eastern Part ...
  • Kamruzzaman, A. B. M. (Department of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, 2008-11)
    Greater application of alternati '" fuels like eNG for transportation systems hru:;been encouraged and supported by l!angladesh Government. A small reductic," in fuel consumption through use of alternate cheaper fuel, ...
  • Gul Nahar (Department of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, 2000-11)
    Pmduction data for many gas condensate pl'Oducing wells all over the world have shown thaI the productivity is severely cUJtailed when the flowing bottom-hole pressure is less than the saturation (dew point) pressure of ...
  • Islam Miah, Mohammad (Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering (PMRE), 2014-11)
    Formation evaluation can be performed in several stages such as during drilling, after logging as detailed log interpretation, and core analysis in the laboratory, etc. This study shows the formation evaluation using ...
  • Golam Sarwar, Md. (Department of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, 2007-04)
    Titas Gas Transmissiun & Distribulion Co. LId., a company 01' l'elrobungla wllieh is the largest di~lribulion imd markeli~g company of Bangladesh (72% market share) distributes and market~ natural ga, in Dhaka City and ...
  • Shahidul Alam, Mohammad (Department of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, 2002-05)
    Habiganj gas field is located approximately 75 miles north of Dhaka in cast-central BMgladcsh. It is perhaps the second largest gas field in Bangladesh after Titas. Therefore, it is extremely important to estimate the ...
  • Enamul Kibria, Md. (Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering (PMRE), 2016-10)
    With rapid growth of national economy and strong social needs, energy has become an important strategic resource for national development. Although Bangladesh government is making great efforts to develop sustainable ...
  • Das, Avijit (Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering (PMRE), 2013-10)
    In Bangladesh gas is being used for different purposes but the entire country is now suffering from gas shortage. There is now almost 500 MMCFD gas shortage in the national grid. According to Petrobangla Report, shortfall ...
  • Siddiqur Rahman, Md. (Department of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, 2007-12)
    Safety is the top most priority in Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited (TGTDCL) which ensures unintenupted supply of natural gas (NG) in greater Dhaka, Mymenshing and Brammanbaria. It is related to ...
  • Mizanur Rahman, Md. (Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering (PMRE), 2015-11)
    An integrated reservoir characterization technique is used to integrate the geological, engineering and reservoir performance data to describe the reservoir and to develop an appropriate reservoir management plan. This ...
  • Mahfuzul Hoque, Md. (Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering (PMRE), 2015-01)
    Demand of natural gas is always higher than the supply in Bangladesh. Correct estimation of reserve is important for the development of the gas fields, design of production facilities and preparation of the gas contracts. ...
  • Farjana Jahan (Department of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, 2008-12)
    Ashugal\i.l3akhrabad-Dcnll'a pipelinc is operated by Gas 1'ransmission Company Limitcd (CTCl.) and it carries almosl 40% ol'lhe nalural gas li'om l\onn Easlern pan [0 ~e1Ural regioll i.e. Dhaka region of Bangladesh. The ...
  • Emdadul Haque, Md. (Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering (PMRE), 2013-04)
    The Bibiyana gas field is the second largest gas field in Bangladesh, it has started its production on March 2007. Now it is producing about 840 MMSCF Gas and 3500 bbls condensate each day from 12 producing wells. All ...
  • Saiful Islam (Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering (PMRE), 2015-12)
    Casing while Drilling (CwD) is a process in which a well is drilled and cased simultaneously. This innovative technology has been successfully practiced for the past decade. However, narrow annuli often causes problems ...
  • Nazimuzzaman, Md. (Department of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, 2006-02)
    A lot of effort has been directed for gm; network design in this country. Among the existing pipdincs, the proposed gas network will be considered as part of the national system. However, the design procedures in complexity ...
  • Amir Hossain, S. M. (Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering (PMRE), 2014-10)
    The natural gas transmission pipeline network in the Western Zone of Bangladesh currently comprises of 246 kilometer of pipeline. About 110-120 MMscfd of natural gas, which is 5% of the total production (2350 MMscfd), ...
  • Mizanur Rahman, Md. (Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering (PMRE), 2013-10)
    Bangladesh Oil Gas and Minerals Corporation short named Petrobangla operates oil and gas exploration, development, transmission, distribution and conversion together with development and marketing of minerals in Bangladesh. ...
  • Jakaria, Md. (Department of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, 2004-01)
    Practicable and realistic reservoir characterization is essential for optimal reservoir management. In this study, a randomized back-propagation neural network model is developed for fonnation permeability prediction. ...
  • Lutfar Rahman, Md. (Department of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Engineering, BUET, 2007-09)
    Over the last four and a half decade natural gas ha, emerged as the only fuel that meet~ the hon's share of commercial energy requlTement in Banglade~h, In th,S country <;ecured~upply of energy is synonymous to >upplying ...

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