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Simulation of water resources management scenarios in Dinajpur sadar upazila using weap model

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dc.contributor.advisor Salchin, Dr. Mashfiqus
dc.contributor.author Shafiqur Rahman, Md.
dc.date.accessioned 2015-11-21T05:35:20Z
dc.date.available 2015-11-21T05:35:20Z
dc.date.issued 2009-03
dc.identifier.uri http://lib.buet.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1262
dc.description.abstract Managing water resources in thc currcnt wo,-ld chmute" a major challenge including Bangladesh In llanglade,h, \\'1\h the growing population and economic de\'elopment, demand ofwuter has also glOwn considcrably creating ,tre~, on [hi, finite resource De~lSlOn SI.lpp011 Systems (D~S) can play important role~ in planning of water resour~es management, including demand management ~[rategies. \Vater Evaluation and Pianning System (\\lEAP) LSsuch a DSS lhat is being incrcasingly used in integrated water resources management acros, the world "lhis study presents a pilot attempt in the development and application of an integrated \vater management decision support system using WF.,\P in Dinajpur Sadar Upazlla In the northwest reglon ofBanglade,h The major water u,e:, Lnthe study area are irrigation, domestic and industrial water use, Meeting demand of various water uses. especially irrigation is a critical issue of the study area, Based on secondary and primary data collected in the ,tudy, demands for differem watcr uses, vi7.., migatlon, indl.l,trial and domestlc, were e,tlmated, A number of future ~cenarios ",'ere con,tructe(l, which included a reference scenario de,cribing the gro"'1h In sectoral demands following the trend in population growth, and a few other scenarios describing a numbers of policy options for optimal water allocation and meeting unmet demands WF.AP mudel ~imulalion revealed that monthly ma",,"um ',"ater demand Ihr domestic use is in March & Apnl, For industry, maximum ",mer demand is in May & June, and for agriculture in January to April, The water demand~ for domestic and mdustnal u~es were fully covcred: neither are there any urnnel demands in the base year. nor any unmet demands throughout the period of analysls, The average annual irrigation unmet demands for the years 2007, 2025 and 2045 are 33,R Ml1hon Ill', 55.6 Million mJ and 83.8 Million Ill' (190/0. 28% and 37% of the total annual water demand), respectively, The unmct agncultural water demands for the month April In the years 2007, 2025 and 2045 are 204 Ivllllion Ill), 242 Million m' and 29,2 Million Ill] (11.6%, 123% and 13% of the total annual water demand), ln~reased irrigation efficiency through the applicatlon of demand management tools (e g water pricing, subsidies, etc) would reduce unmet demands significantly; ho\\,evel', there will remain conslderable demand unmet in future, ebpeclally in the cri(ical month of Apnl. Impact of unmet demand reduction would be greater in seven unions (Fa7.ilpur, Kamalpur, Sekpura, ~hankarpur, Shashara, Sundarban and Uthrail), However, demand management tool> do not reduce the unmet demand, fu.lly e~peciaj]y in later years, Expansion of deep wbe wells (DTWs), however, would meet the demand fully, for which the number ofDT\"", will need to increase from 193 in 2007 LO318 in 2025 and 478 in 2045, However, (he required number ofDTW~ in the study area would be much les, if increase in irrigation efticleney also (akes place along with expal\~iol\ of DTWs, Implementation of a rubber dam in Punarbhaba river could potentially meet lmmet water demands in the command areas of Dmajpur Municipal, Chehclgazi. Aliapur and Sundarban unions in all monLh\ till 2045 en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM) en_US
dc.subject Water - Supply - Rural - Dinajpur en_US
dc.title Simulation of water resources management scenarios in Dinajpur sadar upazila using weap model en_US
dc.type Thesis-MSc en_US
dc.contributor.id 04052817 MF en_US
dc.identifier.accessionNumber 107229
dc.contributor.callno 628.720954924/SHA/2009 en_US

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