Land and watel' are essential deltaic Illlodplain Te,ource; and their interdependence
necessitates an integrated approach for sustainable land and water resources
management, Sinee 1980s, snstainable development hJS become the key devdopment
platming objective. However, detail procednre to achieve su;tainable land and water nse
as part of sustainable development in a dellilie floodplain has been lacking.
In this ,tudy, there are tvv'Ocompeting objective,: socio economic improvement and
maintaining floodplain environment. lIow~ver, there arc t\.\'o constraints in attaining
these two objectives. Socio eeonomk improvement must ensnre eqmtable distribution
of land and water resources. To maintain l100dplain funetiollS, the ecosystem in the
deltaic floodplain should bc safeguarded, The decision support framework has been
developed for slislilinable land and wuter use, ineorpol'aling three objectives,
maintaining Iloodplain functions, improving so~io economic condition and comphunce
to constraints. Further, this research deyeloped the conc~pt of "lnvertcd Pyramld",
whereby, the present generation is treated not only us users, but also as custodian of
deltaic Iloodplain resources for futnre gelJeralions,
]n this slLldy, floodplain fnnctions have been defined for deltalC t100dplain To
characterize lhe ftlnctions, a sct of indicators (e.g, flooded urea, condition of \vctland
habitat, change of monsoon/dry season 11ow,ehmlge in infiltration area, etc.) have been
developed. In addition to functions and physical indicators, to improve \oeio eco~omie
condition, a set of sociul indicaton; have also been developed, ineluding (he availability
of foodgrain, ~mployment opportunity, gross income, safe drinking wuter, etc.
Therefore, for sustainable land and water management framework, eight sub-objectives,
twenty-t,vo criteria and thirty six indicators have been developed.
The developed decision support fmmework has beenle,ted in the Jamalpur districr, part
of the Old Brahmaputra and Jamuna floodplain. The conslraints and opportunities have
been calculaled for four types 0 I'land and water use based on physical 'L1itability, so~ial
preferences, government policies and ,tratcgies in the study urea. RS, GIS,
hydrodynamic ~nd hydrological models were L1,;cdto generatc data for assessment of
indicator valLles and objective critcri~. !'or the study area, three land and water usc
option., havc bcen developed to test the sustainable land and water usc framework.
These options are, option A: autonomons development based on existing development
trends, oprion H: implementation of regional water mal\ilgement plan in FAP 3,1, and
option C: Balanced land <l11dwater use activilies dcvelopcd in this .\tudy based on
policies and slrategic, assuming protecting Iloodpluin environmcnt as ~ocio economic
impro\'ement without degrading lhe ceosystem und continuing 1100dplain fllnction for
the future generation. These options have been evulUilled through mulli criteriu unalvsi,
(MeA). Option B scored the highest Ln achicving thc objeclivc of socio e~onomic
impl'Ovement. On the other h,mJ, option C ,cored much hIgher than optIOn 13 in
protecting floodplain environment through main(C1iningfloodplain functions. To comply
with constraints, Oprion C scored Lh~hLghest.
Finally, the suggcsted decision framework will be helpflll to understand the
interdependence of soeio-cconomie, ecological and en\'ironmental resourec, in
developing an integrated management plan for sllslainabJc land and water managemcnt
in a deltaic lloodplain.