The objective of the present research aims at assessment of appropriateness of
technology that was used in Khulna-lessore Drainage Rehabilitation Project (KJDRP).
The project area is characterized by sediment laden tidal rivers having some major
problems over recent years such as drainage congestion, fboding and salinity etc ..
causing a declinc in agricultural production and olher socio-economic anomalies.
KJDRP "'as implemented to mitigate drainage, salinity and other problems with an aim
lO rcduce poverty through greater employment in the agriclllturc and increased
agricultuwl production in the project arca. In this research. thc technology that was used
in KJDRP was cvaluated using threc models/methods: i) Analytical Hierarchic Process
(AHP) ii) Fuzzy Hicrarchical Decision Making Method (FHDM) and iii) Field Survey
and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The objective is to make an application of the
(Multi nitcria Decision Making) MCDM model to evaluate whether the technology
used in KJDRP is appropriate or not for that very particular surrounding environment.
because technology is very surrounding specific. !'rom AHP method, result shows that
the lotal score for KJDRP is 596 where score for Non-KJDRP is 173, Thus in AI.I?
mdhod. KJDRP got 1st ranking value and i-loll-KJDRP got 2,d ranking value. In Funy
method. the [esult shows that KJDRP option scored I" in preferential ranking \'alue
wh~re Non-KJDRP option scored 2,d ranking value. From Focus Group Discussion
(FGD) and Field Survey, it is e~ident that the perlormance of criteria under KJDRP
opti')ll i.1posithe and it scored 2216.5 in thc scale range trom (-) 4080 to (+) 4080.
Howc,"er from threc analytical points of views, KJDRP got highe'.t value \\hich
indicales lhat KJDRP with its performance was appropriate to reduce thc existing water
logging problem and to encourdge the socio-economic development of thc project area,
KJDRP is suc~essful in the~e few prime objectives of the project.
A ,et of recommendations enaminated evolved based on the research result: i) Action is
required to be takcn for restoration of the Hamkura river and development of J"RM for
improvement of the drainage condition. ii) Implementation of a new 1'&\1 in the
Khubia beel is required to be taken up or continue the existing beel Kedariu TRM for
su,taining dminage condition of the Hari River. The east Khuksia beel is feasible for
TRM and would be more eITective to maintain proper drainage condition in the Had
river. Thc west Khuksia is also tc<:llllically feasible for aeting as a tidal basin but it
required more land than that of east bcel Khuksia. It generates more than 4.87 Mm3
tidal volwne, which is considerably higher than the required tidal volume for the
sustainability of the Harl river. iii) to restore the full function of the beel Kedaria TRM
and sustain the required drainage capacity of the Hari river, it is suggested to dredge the
Hari river al its design capacity of the Hari river at its design section from Bhabodaha
regulator to Sholgmi (about 9 km reach). iv) in order to maintain proper drainage
capacity of the Hari river & to avoid severe drainage congestion in the North-Western
parlor the KJDRP area, east beel khuksia needs to be brought under operation as a tidal
basin_ It is technically feasible and socially acceptable. v) it is suggested 10 dredge the
Teka-hari ri,-er at it> design section from 600m uls of Teka Bridge to Ranai (ahout 17
km reach). vi) A continuous monitoring is necessary for assessment of new tidal basin.
identification of problems ofmitigmion measures.
Opinion from some of the experts who think that TRM (ridal River Management) as a
part of KJDRP is not appropriate technology_ According to them, it is useless to
enlighten a village by thro"ing the remaining village in darknes>, Why the people in lhe
heel area will be deprived for three years during the operation period of the beels, and
who \vill pf()vide their compensation for that time period'? Establ ishmen! of regul ator in
lhe narroe channel must fC>Ullin failure due to lower velocity of the waler and siltation
caused by it They suggested that regulator in Madhukhali or further down~tream mther
than the narrow chmmel will be dTective as it join, the large river and will prevent
siltalion due to huge 110v,'of water. They propose that Hari river can join Dakatia ri,a
lhrough a canal networking and thus drainage from Hari river is possible through
Shl'lmari regulator. The tedUlology used in KJDRP didn't consider the importance of
\vetl,md But wetland 15 very ewci,,1 for sustenance of the ecosystem of fisherie~_ So
what is needed is to proper management of the wetland. Regl.llatm in MadhukllUli can be
~ belleI' option, as it will prevent saline water intrusion during tidal period when the gate
is closed, on the other hand. it "ill drain excess river "'ater during monsoon, ami lhus
will remOVe the drainage problem and at the same time. will maintain minimum water
l"orsustenance of the wetland. Implemcntation of this option may require high inilial
COqdue to dredging requirement, hut still it seems to be minimum when compared with
the huge cost involved due to operation of TRevl in a single beel. However, TRM
considers siltation in wetlands with a view to keep the river navigable and to grow more
food concept. Thus in thc present analysis, it is successful and appropriate ".,;th the
targel fixed by it.