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Gender impact assessment in two small scale water resources development projects

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dc.contributor.advisor Bala, Dr. Sujit Kumar
dc.contributor.author Abu Zafar Md.Taufique Hasan
dc.date.accessioned 2015-11-21T10:55:48Z
dc.date.available 2015-11-21T10:55:48Z
dc.date.issued 2009-03
dc.identifier.uri http://lib.buet.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1277
dc.description.abstract Th" sludy ~,,", 10 a"e" lhe impacl on gender issue., '" Iwo ,mall scale waler rcWmCcS dc\'e1opmom ,ub-projeet area, silLLaledin Sad", upa£ila of Chu",bnga ,,,,d Mch~rp,,, (liSlrict under phase I and II of "Smull S~"lc W"tcr Resources Development Sector l'lojects (SSWRDSP)" WIIIlCO"'P",II'~ tile scen~l'io of base ,ite "here no dewlopm~nl intervcnlion lTJ water ,eeto, as re'Olilce has becn malIc. Th~rc " a growlllg r~cllgllillon natIOnally and intemmiollall) that de,c1op",enl obj~di\'~, sud JS accelcralcd ccon,)IllIC ~1'.",1h, poverty reduclion and ~mploymenl g~nnalioll e,m 1I0t bc aclllcvcd WIThout tll~ contrihution and pnrll~lp,,1101l01' WOmcn,Tnth;, rcgord (,o"ern",cm elf IbnglJdcsh has lakcn cOllerek ,kp' 10 en<UJe",omen', participation in de\'CTopmcnl pro~c:;, Ihereby v.olncil', pa,tlc'l'0tion ha, heen highli~hl~,1 IIIN"I;OIl"1W"1CrPolicy. Wmer re,ource, pr"ject'- implememing OlganiLation and i"S1<luliull,h~, i~hn it as their mandale to elm,," ",omen's participalic'll in ,,"tel' ""!ll~g~rnelll (\"",,1) t;" !,-elldereqllality. SSWjU)~1' ha, made all allempllo Illake participal;on oj WOlllonllh men in ,Iifferent sl"g~,; of ,"b-project> during lInplcmell1al'On ~nd ," water mallagemenl acilvilic, throllgh 1;-",nJI;On 01 wator managemellt ",)-operal;\'e a"oc;"tion (W~ICl\), Thi, project mmed at prodllotion inorea,e in agricultural seclor for poverty rcducllOfIUIldIII111 1m'7e the gender in~qu"lily lhrough proper wnlcr ITl~"agcmcnland cxten"ve training works imolvilll': the [(,colc~mmullity. Dma were collec1ed from 150 re,pOmlclli> 01'75 h0uschol(l< ;"cllJdlll~ hoth womell and men III 1hrec ,llIdy (lte"' lhrongll 1'0"01",1 "'tel'\';ow., hy a well ,trltc1l1led qlle,li()nn~ire. Thi, ,1",ly "al ~Imed ~t e~I'I"J ing tile gendel' a" "rene" ((jA) of the rcspolldenls by ,ome pre 5c1e~le,1i"d'c"lQrS ~nd foell,ed on gendet role., in enhancing water sect", p",jeet< In both ph",e of SSWRD~P WMC.'" h", bc~n formcd 10 CliSlirCWO'lIC"" IllvolVomelllll1 ~II ,lOge;; of water sector activilies and 10 p,ovide IJainings regarding GA", wdl as income gen~mling aCiivit,c" In order to ""ess gender ''''paci f(,w Il1d;c~to" Oil(,A and ,ocio-economic issues like Wl'm~1lemploY'TlCllt,llll,,,- major ",,<'i, & owni"g nni", w"ieI' & ,alilial in" enndition. cred It taken etc. Ilan been useJ during inlerview of"oLllen "",Illl~n ,eparald) ill "Tlll",:e "ite, ,,,,d 1,,,~lly~ cOI"pari",n on Ille scenario li~s bcen mildc, "Ihese effm1., would help \0 achieve a r~cognilion lilal levcTor gendcr aw~rcness among" omen "ould be higher wher~ " well IIIW1~gcdW:;1C.-\ cOllf"m water management activilie, lhrough "cti,'c paI1,eipali,'n of beneficiary won",n. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM) en_US
dc.subject Water resource management - Bangladesh en_US
dc.title Gender impact assessment in two small scale water resources development projects en_US
dc.type Thesis-MSc en_US
dc.contributor.id 10062815 MF en_US
dc.identifier.accessionNumber 107212
dc.contributor.callno 628.16068095492/ABU/2009 en_US

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