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Design, development and implementation of management information system (MIS) of Biman aircraft maintenance for enhancing quality maintenance program

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dc.contributor.advisor Ahamed, Dr. Mahiuddin
dc.contributor.author Pandit, Partha Kumar
dc.date.accessioned 2015-11-22T09:06:24Z
dc.date.available 2015-11-22T09:06:24Z
dc.date.issued 2005-03
dc.identifier.uri http://lib.buet.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1311
dc.description.abstract E,man Bangladesh Alrlmes, the natIonal flag career of Bangladesh is now operating in domestic, regIOnal and international fOl.ltes with six DCI 0-30, four Airbus A31O-325 and four F-28 aircraft. Biman is facing tremendous crisis in flight schedlding with shortage of aircraft. Volume and cost of maintenance activities increased in the recent years due to the aging effect on DCI 0-30 and F-28 aircrali, As an international airline Biman can not compromise \~ith fl1ght safety and airworthiness as mandated by the regulatory bodies. The regulatory bodies are leAD-International Civil Aviation Orgamzation and lts local representative CAAB-Civil Aviation Authomy of Bangladesh. In the pace of global competition in airlines business, economic !light operatIOn is the key factor for existence whereas cost of maintenance is the main determinant of economlC night operation, On the other hand qualny maintenancc program is a pre-requisite for f1ight safety and airwonhiness. So to make the maintenanec more efficient and cost effective wlthollt degrading the quality of maintenance is the long felt demand of Engineenng Department ofBiman. Moreover, Biman management decided to sell its aircraft maintenanee scrvices to other airlines where a quality certificate creates some value addition in the market of aircraft maintenanec, At this moment poplilar and acceptable quality cenificate for this region is EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency)-pan 145 certificate. For becoming a EASA certified aircraft maintenance organization, Biman needs to improve in many areas ofmainten~nce- among which Reli~bility Control Program is placed in a vital position. At thls moment Biman is not in a position to implement an effecllve Reliability Control Program dlle to una,allability of proper, accurate and timely data for mamtenancc. This became the initial cause of developing a eomprehensive Management Information System suitable for aircraft maintenance ofEiman A comprehensive Management lnfonnallon System can playa vital role III providing necessary infonnation related to reliability analysis and other crucial decision making process. So it became imperative to develop a comprebensive Management lnfomlation System suitable for ~ircraft mmntenance activities ofBiman, After preliminary system analysis it was found that a LAN (Local Area 1\et\vork) based system is the most suitable one in this case. The solution needs to be user-fnendly and it should have a highly secured access control. On the basis of system analysis a LAN based system has been designed, developed and now l'e~dy for final installation. Th,s research work deals wlth different features considered in design, development and installation phases. The outcome of this work could give some directions and guideline> for quality maintenance program. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, BUET en_US
dc.subject Government aircraft - Management information systems - Biman en_US
dc.title Design, development and implementation of management information system (MIS) of Biman aircraft maintenance for enhancing quality maintenance program en_US
dc.type Thesis-MSc en_US
dc.contributor.id 100108138 P en_US
dc.identifier.accessionNumber 100826
dc.contributor.callno 629.13095492/PAN/2005 en_US

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