The roof is the main element of a building that has much eJl:posure to the sky and
therefore it is the most appropriate location t('r a nocturnal radiator. High mass roof with
operable insulation of concrete provides the functions of cold collection and of storage in
one element. Roofu are usually insulated to minirni7..e heat loss in winter and minimize
heat gain in summer. As the radiant loss takes place at the external surface of the root: the
insulation minimizes the actual C(x,ling that a building can utilize from the nocturnal
radiation. If these roots C(,u1dbe equipped with operable insulation that C(>vcrthe T<x,f
during the day and expose to skl' during the night, the T<x,fswould function as effective
nocturnal radiators and cold storage elements. Therelore this type of radiant cooling using
operable insulation is etlective in providing daytime c(lOling in almost any region,
preferably with low cloudiness at night, Tt.-gardlessof low humidity.
The impact of solar radiation affects the thermal behavior of nx,f more than any other
part of the structure especially in Tropical C(mntries. In Bangladesh most of the buildings
in urban area have tlat C(mcrete fIX'!: lbis roofs as e".posed to direct solar radiation
elevates indoor temperature usually above the local C(,mt(,rt level in summer. Active
means of c(lOling is generally very eXJlCDsiveand in high ambient temperatures usefulness
of ceiling fun is greatly reduced, particularly on top tllx,r of the buildings. lbus, the thesis
investigates the potential of using Operable Roof Insulation over C(mcrete nx,ts as an
alternative method of passive C(X,ling by studying the thermal Jll-"'ft(mnanceand its
intluence on energy use in the conte"i of Dhaka during hot months of the year.
The problem was approached first by a survey of published inlormation that provided the
knowledge base t('r the research and intorm about the state of the art with regard to
passive cooling systems t(,llowed by Problem Modeling, which was a C(,mbination of
Simulation study and Field study. The studies were conducted during the month of April,
May and June of 2002 representing hot-diy and hot-wet period; which are obviously most
significant in terms of climatic severity.
The simulation studies were pert(,rmed to appraise the etlects of insulation and other
parameters over time and to investigate aspects, which C(,u1dnot have been derived from
the field studies. In the wurse of field work, a test nx'm was selected at the top Jloor of a
tour storied building to establish a base case on which the proposed nx,f system was
applied and pertormance evaluated in .relation to local C(,mt(,rt temperature range. lbe
study involved simultaneous recording of envimnrnental data, such as air temJll-Tature,
radiant temperature, humidity, ceiling temperature and .moftop temperature l(,r two
situations, first without operable nx,f insulation system and then with insulation by
programmable real time 'Data Loggers'.
The significant findings of the thesis are concerned with the etlect of operable nXlf
insulation in the test room in terms of indllOr c(lmt(,rt by nocturnal radiative c(xlling and
thermal perl(,rmance of operable T<lOfinsulation. Results indicate that there is a
considerable potential t(,r nocturnal c(loling and the thermal perfhrmance of operable nXlf
insulation significant with respect to uninsulated test rlXlm C(,ndition. Simulation studies
and the Fieldwork jointly provide the basis t(lf design guidelines fhr operable roof
insulatilm. It is expected that these guidelines will reduce ellect of solar radiation and
pn'mote radiative woling option to create a comt(,rtable indlx,r space.