Viscosity, density and conductivity of different solutions of NaCI, Ket,
Hexamethylene letramnine (HMTA), and Hydrazinc in methanol and water
solvents have been measured at different temperature (20, 25. 30, 35, &
40°C). From the experimental values of viscosity and density, apparent
specific volume, 8-coefficient of Jones-Dole equation, ~HTI#' b.GTI# and
T6Sn" were calculated The decrease of app<lrent specific volume was morc
influenced by KCl than by NaCI, particularly at higher concentration of
solutes The value of lp was almost unchanged in case of 'CH10H +
Hydrazine' but the change in value of <Din case of 'CH,OH + HMTi\' was
observable which has been explained. ThIS explained the IIltle dYecl of
Hydrazine in structure fanning and breaking of aqueous solution, Positive
values of 8-coefficient were obtained for all solutions except for the
aqueous solulton of 'KCl + HMTA' and especially at lower tcmperature
(20~30°C) for the solution of 'KCI +Hydrazine'. The values of f',H'l~were
mcreased with the increasing concentration of NaCl but decreased with the
increasing concentration of KCl. Howevec the extcllt or snch changes werc
decreased in the presence ofHMTA and slightly enhanccd in the presence
of Hydrazine, The structure intcnsifying and structurc destroying effect of
NaCl and KCl respectively were observed from the values of t::.Gt
However, both the effects were found to be reduced at higher temperature.
The values of f',G~#for both the solutions having 'methanol + HMTA. and
'methanol +Hydrazine' were increased with the increase of concentration.
Similar results were also observed in the values of Tf',S/ The conduc)ance
data have been analyzcd by lIsmg Dcbyc-l-luckel-Onsager condnctance
equation and 'Walden rule' in terms of limiting molar conductance (All),
degree of dIssociation (a), '(AI/\.o) + B' value and 'Walden Product'
(/\.111111). nle .Walden Product' values were cxplamed in tCllllS 01.Stoke's
molecular radius. The conductivity -study shown the structure intcnsifying
ability of NaCl and KCl in presence or HMTA or Hydrazine in illlxed
solvents of CH,OH and H20, The calculated data of 'Walden Product'
shown the less structure intensification ahility of NaCl and KCI in presence
of Hydrazine than in the presence of HMTA 111 mixed solvents, All the
results were cxplained on the basis of interactions between the dim~rent
nature of particles present in the solution,