dc.description.abstract |
ECCIllll:llie<kvetopment with lIDenvi'OIUtKnta1 control leads to an ocologiall or envirolllllcnllll tkgradatlon
.mich lIdverselyaffecl the quality oflifc. 1"he $\Udyidentifies the major impl(U ofdevelopmml Etivities on
the u:ban envin'lllmrnt in Ramnn opm 5pl5OI:, Dh:Ika. An eco$}ottm Is Bdiiltind lI1U in the b1USphde, ~
living llllClnon living things intaac:l \lithin llIId between cach othtt 10 produce a Justlinablc envimnrnmt.
Ramllll i, ",s:umed heft &!Ian ecosystem for llIIllIysis. El»-errhileCt$ hlIVl:designed lesPOibive ~ In the
lempenne climates bIscd on eeo-de$ign cOIICIeJllJ mel it i:I believed tim Bangladesh bring in the Iropicalllla.
is bdter pIaoed 10 tip the ec:oIogiClll~ in !heir buill nlVhOlUhClitdesign Dh:d:a nmt!I huge: open
splICCSfor urban smuinability Including space needed for dilfetenl public funo:tions and recrtlIliOlllll
lIctivitid Ramna being the l~ IlIId oldC'Slof urban open ~ In Dhaka and bcing Slill caplIble of
llttrading Ildivities i:I considered for studying with Il:SpecI to II! ecologiClll stllM and the hL/RUm=JlOIl'e
l~ its envlmnrnmt. Thougb reduced In llml ~ to \v:i~mcrosdunents 0Ya" time, the ami hll:I
eonlinued to Kltn'Ir;IITIl:ft and more cultutll and recreatiOOlll cYl:llts lU'ldhas ar""ged ItS the cullum] llllCl
=mttlOllllI twb of the bmtJing mdl'OpOIi$.The objective o(thI, study is 10 ascss the SUIluso(urban open
space in Ramna In tmm of ~ qualitative )1ITdSlid.
Since it •• assumed ihlIt the changing quality In lenm ofbiolnactl of envi,OIUttd,1 hlt'. bearing on the usen
~ llllClnsthm: 1500 m:h study so (MOIl Dhaka', open Jpaca.. the stlldy would attempt at metbodiClll
analysis of ~ study llI'l'a within n carcl"ully cklined 'design prlnclp/e:l' and evallllI.ted against yard sti<:k
provided by nulhon like H'Y'iland Yeans. The study i5 ~ed to stImulm discunion 01\ the theombl
background 10 urblm 0JlC'1$pact'S as ecological node nnd to serve ••• a design guidelinf; of idea! for tile
COlIlempOliuyurb:m desigllet1 DMkll is Jocated in tile grogmphic =of the oountry and the JWnna 15in
bdwem the old Ind new DIul••••.The geomorphology of tile IUImna llJ'l'lIis intmse and tile chanlcter Is
detiTC'dby the likes, ~ green open spaces, Micro RmnnDand Macro Ramna.nd by the deme bulil-form
situated UI' shon distaooe II'OUJIdthe open sp&:n. Pt!opIe moving ull the day IonS In Ram"" produce wute:s
and pollutions. Here in RmnnlI.lnrge IJId SlI1lIllplants lllld huge lake Is eomideml as the MbItm of di'mSity
ofspiees oforpnluns. which "'" bern evalUllted to lI55CS:I ~ uscn' lCSpotlX Vis a Vlslhe dwacter of the
In • nuts.hel~ the cco-design is deslgning lhe: built-m".j'Olu"un " a system eomidering the ecoIogieal
footprint of the ma. The outlook 01\urban quality is changing 1IOWlIdays,USa pM ofgenerul shift In culturul
vulucs. The tJeCdfor clmlge is primarily a '=lit of the QOnI;1lIIOIJJJIl"lCe35of IntemilicmiOll of land l:lC.
OpcmJeS.11taJ Ixw",e an importarK i~llC in DIlalaI today. The: JlIII1IOSCof this p:sper is to asseJ5 qll:llil4tive
pa:mneteI':; of dynamics of the U1bm open sp:lCCin Ramna, thereby entIbling the designer,. to understand the
contribluion of open Jp:u:c:s in doe:Melybulll environment like that of Ramn:s -=- The study idmtiflOd tile
causes of ddttiorating UJbanenvlromnent at Rmnnll to that of tile lack of public 8Wllt'mC$$lO\';lIl'dstheir life
style and psttern of li".jog. neverthdm II eonc:luded lhat outdoor !lplI(:eSso to s.y open spaces of any type;
spscious-non sp;sclom, spectacular_non sflC'C.UC1llafro, nnal-lnfOl'l11llIthat 15 in or around the settlements,
~ or rontribule towan:I:I the livdiness of n city_ the effect is enhmIced when 11is green and Iha'e Is
bitXli'mSity oflocal p1anl:l. |
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