The present work has been undertaken to study mass transfer rate in a vertical paralIel plate
cell using copper electrode and acidified (sulfuric acid) copper sulphate solution. It has
been aimedto study the natureof depositionduringcopper electrofollIling.
The mass transfer rates under different hydrodynamic conditions within the celI were
obtained measuring the current at different sections of the cathode. Mass transfer data were
generated using limiting current technique. Flow rate was varied in the range of 5.8 liUmin
to 16.3 liUmin and initial bed height was taken to be 6 cm, 9 cm 12 cm and 15 cm. Glass
beads of three different diameters 1 mm, 2 mm, and 3 mm were used to investigate the
effectof particlesizeon mass transfer rate.
Results were obtained for wide range of flow rates of the electrolyte and overalI mass
transfer correlations were obtained for the celIo The flow rate, initial bed height and bed
voidage for maximum mass transfer were found out. The results were correlated and
comparedwiththe relevantcorrelationfound in the literature.
An extensive literature survey of the basic principles governing the theory behind different
electrochemicalprocesses and electrochemicalmass transferhas been done in this study.