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Study of polypropylene - hydrous magnesium silicate composite as an electret

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dc.contributor.advisor Bhuiyan, Dr. Md. Abu Hashan
dc.contributor.author Syed Jamal Ahmed
dc.date.accessioned 2015-12-06T09:10:28Z
dc.date.available 2015-12-06T09:10:28Z
dc.date.issued 1996-08
dc.identifier.uri http://lib.buet.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1467
dc.description.abstract Polypropykne _ Hydrous Idngnesiunl Silicate (Talc) (PP-Tak) composites wllh different PP and 1'JIc ~omposition ("1%) were prepared b} exlnlsil)ll method. The UV-visihlc uh.,orption 'pectroscopic ant! thermally stimulated dcp0larinllOn current (TSDC) mCJsuremmts were carried out on th" pure PI' and Ilvc different PP-Tnlc compositGs, From the UV-\-j"hlc absorption SlLLJics.tbe handgap 0(-PI' mId 1'1'- Talc ~()mposites were calculated from absorption "ersus photon energy gr'-'ph. rh(, absorpllOn shows presence of defectsi impurities in the materials. TI,e TS[)C ledmique wus used to stud}, the charge storage "nd charge rc1Jxal;On behaviour ill pllTC 1'1' Jnd pr-Talc comp",iICS, The TSDC thermograms show (WO di.,tind nnd wlde pe;lh m [he temperalurc region, 28',-323 alUl 400-4101" The inmrpOfJtlon of Talc In 1'1' shifts bolh th~ peaks tnwards low ternp~rature, The low kmperoture p'~ak in the composite' is due to the exi.<,tenceofT"lc m PI' together with the reSult or some moJ~ of po1;'lllermotIOn, .An anal},is of the depemicncc of total released charge. Q. on polarizing \'oltage, Yp , and 'I ale content (\\1%) show lhat the rel"'-.ation is dlpolar but tilt' polarization is re,lricwd by th~ repul,ioL1 fOl'cebelween [he c~tiC1l10 wnh the inne"sc of laic wnlel1l ("\i'%)in PI', The \'miation of peak current with p"larizing \'oltage. Yp' ,md Talceome.nl (Wl%) arc "I", presented. 'Ihe increa,e "f a~tivation energy with Talc conlent (WI%) also ~upporls the above fact" en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Physics, BUET en_US
dc.subject Polypropylene - Hydrous - Magnesium silicate - Composite en_US
dc.title Study of polypropylene - hydrous magnesium silicate composite as an electret en_US
dc.type Thesis-MSc en_US
dc.contributor.id 91 F en_US
dc.identifier.accessionNumber 91107
dc.contributor.callno 630.4/SYE/1996 en_US

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