Safety is the top most priority in Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company
Limited (TGTDCL) which ensures unintenupted supply of natural gas (NG) in greater
Dhaka, Mymenshing and Brammanbaria. It is related to the health and environment.
Unsafe pipeline b "eD' dangerous for personal, equipment & material, property and
environment. To ensure safety, regular inspection of gas pipelines should always be
canied out by trained manpO\\ier and sometimes along with concerned special
authorities to meet the demand of national safety standard and regulations. Physical
inspection. continuous s~les & purchase monitoring, regular patrolling system are
essential for maintaining safety of transmission pipelines. Private ~ec,lJity service has
been engaged for safety of high pressure pipelines and regular supervision also pre, ent
accidents. The tusk of replacing the old pipeline by phases has also been taken up to
improve safety mea,ures and avoid operational hazards. Program for health and
environmental sJfety improvement has also been taken up. Inspection for safety in
pipeline cOllstructionphase is given top most priority TGIDCI ..
Proper inspection reduces the llumber of accidents, systcm lo,s and increases the
financial activities. The comp,my or tile premises of the industriJ1. eomlll~rcial and
domcstic customers have been inspected by certified per~on"ls help to reduce the
syMemlo,~. In the financial year, regular inspection and m"intenanc~ system loss has
comedown to 6.47% compared to 7.06% in the last year-2006. It is p()ssible only by
sincere inspection and maintenance the gas pipeline and it s equipment,.