dc.description.abstract |
Spatial polarization and geo-spatial inequality occur in case of development around the
world, Divergences are predominantly apparent in different regions in case of
development in Bangladesh. Importance of location and space for development is yet to
receive a!tcntion in policy agenda of Our country. This study is an attempt to analyze
the spatial variation of development in Bangladesh in terms of poverty reduction and
social development at regional levels in Bangladesh_ At the same time, inter-regional
variation of development in the counlry will be assessed in this study \0 find out the
relationships between poverty incidences and associated factors of development at
regionai levels in Bangladesh. Generally sociai development entails a lot of m;pects of
de,'elopment but this study is limited to the study of social development indicators
selecied from Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP, 2005) of the country which
mainly encompasses educalion and health indicators that generally represent the nonincome
aspeds of poverty. Secondary dala from various sources ha,'e been used for this
study and the main Source of data was the various reports eonduded by Bangiadesh
Bureau of Statistics. Main limitation of the study was unavailability of recent data
reiated to poverty and social development in Bangladesh especially at district levels.
Howcver, this study reveals that though Bangladesh ha, been _>ucceededin reducing
poverty at recent times, the rate of reduction of poverty waSnot homogenous acros, the
regions. The western part of the muntry is iagging in redudion of poverty than its
eastern counterpart, North-west regions of the country have ~en obser\'ed with higher
incidences of poverty whereas central regions of the country are quite developed with
lower incidences of poverty, Nonetheless, the social development scenario of the
counlry reveals that, social development is not solely related with poverty incidence,
but there are some other factors which play significant roles here. As a result, SOme
poverty stricken regions such as southern part of the counlry have been found
developed in terms of social de,'elopment especiolly in education and health indicators.
However in terms of educational attainment, spatial concentration of advanced regions
has been found in the central, southern-coastal, south-eastern regions of the country,
The northern part of lhe country is quite underdeveloped in compaIlson to the southern
part of the country and this division is quite evident, The lagging regions are northeastern,
central-north, central-western regions of lhe country, Moreover, spatial
concentration of developed regions in health outcomes has been found in central, northeast,
central-norlh and south-west regions_ The western part of the country i,
comparatIvely in beller situation in health than the eastern part of the country. 11'e
lagging regions in terms of composite Score of health indicators arc north-west, l'entralnorth,
central-~[[st, southern coastal and south-east hilly regions. Accordmg 10 this
study, spatial disparity in development is extreme among different regions of the
country in terms of manufacturing ll1dustrialization. private investment, private lwalth
faeilities, overseas employment, urbanization, etc_ This study finds that, ,ignificant
factors which considerably influence the poverty incidences of any region are
electrification, urbanization, number of co-operati\'~s, industrialization, establishment"
overseas employment etc. According to the findings of the study, some
recommendations have been given to uplift the Jogging regions of the country and to
ensure regional harmony in overall development of the country which may' help in
framing suitable development policy at national level to pursue balanced development
at regional strata. |
en_US |