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Formulation of planning and land-use policies for disaster management in Chittagong Metropolitan Area of Bangladesh

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dc.contributor.advisor Mohit, Dr. Mohammad A.
dc.contributor.author Rezaul Karim, A. K. M.
dc.date.accessioned 2016-01-09T11:33:20Z
dc.date.available 2016-01-09T11:33:20Z
dc.date.issued 1996-07
dc.identifier.uri http://lib.buet.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1621
dc.description.abstract Bangladesh is one of the most disaster prone countries of the world. The Bay of Bengal is an ideal breeding ground for tropical cyclones which frequently hit the coastal areas of the country with severe disaster impacts. During a period of 100 years (I822c 1991) about 35 cyc lones were recorded in the country. Among these, the 1991 cyclone was most severe and it affected the Chittagong coastal area along with the metropolitan area of the city causing unprecedented damage to life and property. The city alone suffered a loss of US$500 million and 1.0 million (57%) city population out of a total of 1.5 million was affected. Disaster management is practiced at the national, regional and local levels in Bangladesh. The existing system does not directly incorporate the metropolitan or city areas where OM almost remain a national responsibility and local government has little initiative or involvement. The present study has attempted to delineate the vulnerable areas of the city based on its land use and previous cyclone and storm surge data and suggest planning and land use policies for disaster mitigation in the city. On the basis of previous studies, reconnaissance survey, field visit and discussion with local people, three vulnerable areas - high risk area (HRA), risk area (RA) and low lying areas (LLA), have been identified in the city. The land-use survey at the city shows that, around 29.30% of the total city area exist in the HRA, 9.15% in the RA and 10.05% in the LLA. The city land use categories vulnerable to disaster in different risk areas include unplanned residential, planned residential, industrial, commercial, agricultural, unclassified area etc. A questionnaire survey in the vulnerable area reveals that, most of the respondents are aware of disaster vulnerability of the respective areas but they do not want to leave the same because of economic and cultural attachments. However, they are of opinion that structural measures on the part of government may reduce vulnerability of the area. It was gathered from an interview with different utility and service agencies that, most of the development agencies have no specific plan or policy regarding disaster mitigat ion in the city. Moreover the recent ly prepared Ch ittagong Metropo 1itan Development Plan (1995), does not provide adequate policy guidelines for the mitigation of natural disasters in the metropolitan area. Besides this, the Chittagong Development Authority (CDA) does not exercise any policy measure, to mitigate natural disaster regarding the approval of the new development activities in the city area. Land use planning and control are key factors for the orderly and safe growth of human settlements. This policy instrument can be used to control land development in vulnerable areas of the city. Thus, the study recommends some land use policies for adoption in the HRAs, RAs and LLAs of the city area. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Urban and Regional Planning en_US
dc.subject Planning - Land-use policie - Disaster management - Chittagong Metropolitan Area - Bangladesh en_US
dc.title Formulation of planning and land-use policies for disaster management in Chittagong Metropolitan Area of Bangladesh en_US
dc.type Thesis-MURP en_US
dc.identifier.accessionNumber 90299
dc.contributor.callno /REZ/1996 en_US

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