Urban development is a complex process, which is a multiple function of different
socio-economic and physical factors. The fringe area for this study is taken from
eastern fringe where it would be easier than other fringes to find the difference of
development type. This large area is in between the built-up legal limits of the
metropolitan and the largely rural or agricultural land surrounding it. Multi Criteria
Evaluation (MCE) is a technique to select the best one from a set of alternatives on
the basis of a number of criteria. It may serve as an approach for urban planners while
decision-making is involved. The research has been designed to study the urban fringe
area and it's trends of development from the urban planning point of view. At the
same time it studies the applicability of MCE as a part of planning process. Grossly
the area about 500 acres of the eastern fringe has been taken as a case study site.
The research was conducted on the basis of information collected through a primary
survey. observations, interviews, and finally the author's judgments and experience.
Setting criteria for MCE on study area was a difficult part of the job. There are a
number of criteria to be dealt with. Due to the limited scope of the study many criteria
has been simplified or even ignored. The study includes trends of urban fringe'
development and its characteristics, past and present strategies related to urban fringe
development on the basis of a brief review of plans prepared for Dhaka city. The
current trend of fringe area development does not follow any specific method. This
research aims to high light several phases of development issues that should be
considered while development takes place. Finally it has suggested a set of policy and
standards for fringe area of Dhaka.
The present study has developed a concept of MCE to understand its use for land
suitability analysis. Based on literature and interview with local experts possible
factors underlying every kind of land use type were identified with help of MCE and
it's application for landuse suitability analysis. The land use pattern of eastern fringe
is generated for different alternatives. However, the results still need care to interpret
because of limited data. MCE is proved a good tool to understand the spatial pattern
of land use suitability especially in fringe area development.