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Sediment transport predictor in the Ganges river

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dc.contributor.advisor Tarekul Islam, Dr. G. M.
dc.contributor.author Shahana Akter
dc.date.accessioned 2016-01-13T06:09:08Z
dc.date.available 2016-01-13T06:09:08Z
dc.date.issued 2004-08
dc.identifier.uri http://lib.buet.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1684
dc.description.abstract The sediment transpol1 charactenstlcs of thc Gange, river have been studied. The peak discharge cloe, nol ncce,sarily al,,,,vs co'nc,dc wilh lhe peak sedim~nt load. Thcre lS a phase lag between th~ pea\.:dlsehwge and the peak sediment load. The peu\.:sedimenl load occur\ liN and then the pNk dl%harge wim only exception ".here the peu\.:sediment load IS foliOlved by the p<oaldischarge In some cases, the peak dIscharge und pea\.:sediment load occur at the same Instances The maximum dIscharge and mu.",mum fine sedimenl dlScharge are free from trwd but me maximum sand dIscharge and maximum 10tal sediment di,charge show iUlupward lrwd beginning from 1992. The )J~rcent of iine sediment clischarge is about 50 which means lhat the Ganges river at Hardme bridge gauge station conlains a substantial amouot of ".ash loads The urut stream power formula and modified umt stream power formula have been applied for the cstimatlun ami prediction of scdimenl transport> m the Gangcs river. The eompanson between computed and m~asured sedIment discharge based on Yang's unit stream power formuta and modified Yung's' formuta for high concenlration or tine sedimenl, ,h,)\\. lhat Yang's lormula over predlcl' the sednnent transporl lhan the modified rormula 'Jhe dlscrepanC)' ratio and slandard de\'lation have been used to indicate the accuracy of the sediment tnmspul1 predictors The modifiecl Yang's formula is better m me ,ediment laden Ganges nver. Compansons bet".een computed and measured s~d,ment concentrations based on the average logarithm ratio inclicate that the goodness of fit of dIfferent equations may be affected by selectillg slallslical parameters The sedIment ratLllgcuI''''' or the G,mge, ri,'cl' nl H~f{I"'ge bridge gauge ,laliun have been developed by con,icienng cllscharge.shear sIre". stream power and unll strcam power as ind'~pelldenl variables The dlschargc and unit Slremn power when used as independent \.ariables givc bctter clln'~ '" compared to shcar stress and stream power. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM) en_US
dc.subject Sediment transport en_US
dc.title Sediment transport predictor in the Ganges river en_US
dc.type Thesis - Post Graduate Diploma en_US
dc.contributor.id 0128021 F en_US
dc.identifier.accessionNumber 99669
dc.contributor.callno 627.122/SHA/2004 en_US

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