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Social forestry programme for coastal protection against cyclone surge

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dc.contributor.advisor Shahidul Islam, Dr. Mir
dc.contributor.author Shabbir Hossain
dc.date.accessioned 2016-01-16T03:52:00Z
dc.date.available 2016-01-16T03:52:00Z
dc.date.issued 1994-11
dc.identifier.uri http://lib.buet.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1692
dc.description.abstract Cyclones and tidal surges are one of the ma.ior calamities that batter the coastal areas of Bangladesh. They cause damage to the infrastructure and loss of lives. Consolidated national and international eff9rts towards cyclone disaster management has resulted in development of several structural and non-structural approach towards prevention and mitigation of adverse effects of cyclone. The concept of afforestation has been recognised as a nonstructural measure against cyclone and tidal upsurge. Afforestation pro.grammes can be implemented in two ways firstly, by the employees of the Forest Department, secondly, by the people at the grassroots level. In the latter case, which is more popular as Social FOI'sstry "appr"oach, both ~overnment arid non-government or~anisatiorlS are involved with the process. In recent years, special attention has been given to such programmes with a view to improve coastal environment as well as to lJrotect enlbanknlent, properties and lives against cyclones and storm surg;es. The present study was conducted in order to understand the nature and status of social forestry programmes of some selected nongovernment organisations who are working in the coastal belt. The specific ob.iectives of the study ,,'ere (i) to evaluate selected social forestry pro.iects under implementation, (ii) to identify the constraints and (iii) to suggest policy proposals to overcome the existing constraints and to recommend more effective means for successful social forestry projects. A questionnaire survey on participants was conducted in the pro.iect areas of three NGOs, namely, BRAC in Kutubdia, POUSH in Harbang and UBINIG in Badarkhali. Detail interviews were taken of the concerned official at the local and national level. The study revealed that social forestry programmes have great potentialities to generate employment opportunities for the rural people, specially the women folk. At the same time, it can contribute in reducing the extent of cyclonic damages. It can also be highly effective in saving human lives during cyclone. Social foregtry can also contribute in resisting large scale soil erosion and protection of coastal embankments, Some NGOs are working to increase the forest coverage in the coastal area by organising the local people .to plant more trees in their ho~esteads, along roads and over embankments and other fallow lands. They are also providing technical support and supplyin'g necessary inputs. The study finally suggests that such projects should be extended in other parts of the country to enrich and regenerate the forest resource as well as to protect the vulnerable areas from cyclone and tidal surge. In order to facilitate more effective and people oriented approach, the involvement of the rural people in the forestry programme is necessary right from the initial stage. The benefit sharing mechanism' should be clearly defined and based upon legal contracts. Selection of trees is and important issue. The tree species should be selected after considering the wind resistance capacity, soil condition and local demand. The success of any such project will depend upon the presence of sound national policy on forestry programme and involvement of grassroots level populations and institutions in the process. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Urban and Regional Planning en_US
dc.subject Forestry - Programme - Coastal - Protection - Cyclone surge en_US
dc.title Social forestry programme for coastal protection against cyclone surge en_US
dc.type Thesis-MURP en_US
dc.identifier.accessionNumber 88054
dc.contributor.callno 363.3492/SHA/1994 en_US

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