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Study of structure - property relationship in high tension ceramic insulator

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dc.contributor.advisor Fakhrul Islam, Dr. Md.
dc.contributor.author Rashed Adnan Islam
dc.date.accessioned 2016-01-18T06:24:01Z
dc.date.available 2016-01-18T06:24:01Z
dc.date.issued 2002-12
dc.identifier.uri http://lib.buet.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1752
dc.description.abstract IIl,uiJ1<)rs <lre used ill the power line [0 prevent the voltage 01' curren! [cgulall(lll Ceramic is nile llfthe il1lpQrtont in,ulating materials heca\l~e of lis vcry good thermal stability ami il\~,l""" in seve,e environment. Among all (he cerm11lC matelials pOicciain is the One which is cheaper and Ilas good in~ulating properties like low loss. high Jic1cctriL Sirellgth and good mecilalllc,lI stlel1gth, Die1cctric slrellglh of ,111insul,'lol' Ill<1Ybe ucfincd as the ahihly 10 wllhstand the voltage per ul1lllhickncss, In lim rroJccl "(he physical, ITIcchamca[ Jild electrical prnl'~"lic~ ()f c~'-al1lic illSulators fi,ed "I r1ilTclClll IClnpcralure have been ill\'cslig,lIcd "long \\'1(h 1l1lCroslrllC1U1ul cl1aracleri,alion using optical and sC~llning clccl[oll IIlluoseopy in or<ler In lllluerstall(j Ihe ~Irllcillrc.plOpcrty rel>l1iOl\,hip of cerallllC IllsulJlor. The ,vkcll"" i~~I and the eleetric,,1 properlies were measured 011sample,; lircd ~l dirJi:renllcmpcl"almc frolll 1250101400"(' al 15~ C It1lerval. The dependency of bcnding and dicleciric .,trenglh 011 micrOSlruchliC dcveloped UllC 10 firing ~l differenl lemperalmes was thOl'Olighly cXclm;ned EDAX ~naly,is and XRD kchmqllcs WCICalso dOlle to supP0rllhc IC,,,ItS The bendlllg and thc dielcclric 8lrenglh were found max; [TlII<IL~l 1350"C ~Ild del'l ea,;cs on h()lh sHies of Ihe maxima, Thc micro.,\rllcillial fealllics dcv<olopcJ cle~[ly <ic"crlbc lhal lypc of beh""iOl and it is obscrvcd th"llh~ nY51,1Ilinc plFloC mullil" CGnl"iblllCS l{Jgclh~r w ilh qu~rl/ parllc Ie 10 lhe d ic1eclric "nd ll1~cli<lnicaI strcnglh en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, BUET en_US
dc.subject Structure - property - Relationship - Tension - Ceramic - Insulator en_US
dc.title Study of structure - property relationship in high tension ceramic insulator en_US
dc.type Thesis-MSc en_US
dc.identifier.accessionNumber 97101
dc.contributor.callno /RAS/2002 en_US

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