dc.description.abstract |
In recent years, woven jute mal (20-50% by volume) reinforced composite materials
show grcat pOL~nti;din producing components subjected to light 10 moderate loading
application. In somc instances jute mats are used as substitution of synthetic mats due to
thw low dClisity, a~ccplublc specific ~!I'~llg[h, low cost aml biodegradcability.
Hybridiz~tion of jutc fibers with synLhellc fibers is onc of the techniques adopted to
overCQme some of the lirnitation~ (poor mechanical properties and mQlsture resistance)
til;lt have bcen identil,cd for jute fiber reinfQl'ccd cQmpQsitcs, In hybrid cQmpQsiles tWQ
different fibers are incorporated in a single matrix in order to compensate the drawback
or Onc fiber by the Qther.
.lute mats mmk of retied, hlcached ami oxidized fLhers were colleeled and lheir surfaces
\\'cre ebaraclcri~ed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Surface wnghness and
cnmps were maximum in oxidized jute fiber as lhe more organic materials were removed
during treatmenl and as a result mechanical properties of oxidized fiber shQwed the •
inferior values among the three jute fih~rs FTIR spectrographs Qf different jllte fibers
",ere carried out tQ compare the pwbablc bonding characteristics or fiber. OXldl;r.edJute
[,bel' sbowed minimum absQl'banee Qf inlrarcd due to removal of fiber bmding materials.
III the present study, tbcnnni pl'Opcrtic; of Jllle mil! havc becn stlldied. 1301htypes of
treated and untreated fibers were thenl1ally characterized by Differential Scarming
C~IQTlemetry (DSC) and Thermo Gravimclrie Analysis (TGA). Bleached jute fiber is
more thermally stable than rcUed and oxidi7.ed j ute fiber. Tensile strength, linear density,
characteristics strength, Weibult modulus of fibers were determined by using slandard • testing techniques, Bleached jute fiber showed [0 possess the highest strength among the
Jute fibers.
rhe composites were made of glass mal, jule mal and varying layers of jute and glass mat
m Lhepolyester matnx by applymg hand lay-up technique at room temperature (25°C). In
this study, [he effect of hybridizatiQIl on mcchanieal properties of jillc and glass mat
-- reinlorced polyester composites has been evaluated experimentally. The exhaustive
investigations on the development of hyhrid composites may mdicate its application in
engineering sectors as a substitute of fiberglass composites. 1be specimen preparation
and te,ting were curried out as r~rASTM standards. The water absorption lest was
c~n-icd oui [0 lLlVC"(igatc the cJTe<:1of dlcmical trealment on the moisture absorption
properties of hydrophilic jute in the composites, which has direct effect on the
rlimcilsional Slability of the composites. Water ahsorp\loll was the minimllllJ for any
mnOllnl of incorporated oxidi7.ed jute mat than bleached jute mat in composite. Water
'absorption plots for different periods of immersion also indicated a beller resistance to.,
water absorption of jute-glass hybrid composites thall jute mat composite. The values of
mechanical properties obtained trom tensile, flexural, impact and intcrlaminar shear
~tr~nglh (lLSS) tests &hm,ec! a significant improvemenl with the increase of glass fiber
content in hybrid composites. But thc posillve contribution from glass mat in increasing
of ILSS of glas~ mat wos, to some extent limIted, and the optimum iLSS was achieved
whcn glil~s-jule incorporated 1IIcomposile as 50-50 ply basb.
SEM 'mages wcrc used to study the fracturc modc, !Iller-matrix adhesion, and jute-glass
layer aJht"LVI1and to compJre the interface of fractured surface of differenl composites.
SEM images of tensile failure sllrface showeJ more pullout in glass fiber lhan that in jutc
Iiber. '] he damage pro fik al the fallure surface of !lexural and interiaminar shear strength
s!lowed Crileks, which propagJkd through, Olll the matrix by enlCking jute mat Jnd
ddalnJnaling glass mat. Studics on crack propagation and failure mode of fracture
~lIrl;lecs 01" Dexural and ILSS specimens showed thal it was the malrix where eraeks
usually imliated and then eracks propagated through the jute mJt by breaking the jute
libel'. Blil lhe eraek propagation was relarded or slopped at the matrix-glass interfaee
tl,,,,ugh debond Lngor pullout of lhe glass liber5. |
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