The investigation of Noapara glass sand deposit of Sylhcl di"J_rict is
performed to beneficiEltc the sand for Ihc manufaclure of colourless
glass. First of all the physical and mineralugical identlficatlOn of heavy'
minerals present in the sand were carried out, The study includes
sieve analysis, heavy mineral separation and magnetic separation.
SemI-quantitative analyses of the glass sand were performed wIth the
help of XRD and Petrography and the results arc reported in sequence.
The classified sand is then subjected to water wash and attrition to
remove clay and ferruginous coating followed by magnetic separation
to eliminate magnetic minerals. The waler-washed and magnetically
treated sands arc then subjected [0 vanous chemical treatments in
order to reduce the iron level. Finally. a number reagent batch
combinations are prepared using water-washed and magnetic treated
sand for the forth flotation le<.:hmque. One of such reagent
combinations reduce Fe203 and Cr203 levels in the sand to 0.032
and 0.0012 % respectively after froth flotation. This is close to the
required chemical composition for Ihe manufacture of colourless glass.