In the coastal region of Bangladesh salinity in water pose a serious problem.The chief
difficulty in the development of appropriate water supply system for the communities in
the affected area is that - deep aquifers containing sweet water are not found at all possible
locations in the coastal region. There are various desalination techniques- practised all
over the world but the conventional desalination process is energy intensive and will be an
expensive option particularly in the rural area of Bangladesh. Solar energy on the other
hand is freely available in nature in sufficient amount . Moreover, the technology involved
in distillation of saline water using the solar energy is relatively simple and maintenance
can be carried out by semi-skilled or unskilled operators. Therefore, in this study, an
attempt has been made to develop a family size solar desalination plant.
Presently ,solar still plants, for desalination purpose, are not in use in this country. A plant
operation was performed for the months of January to April, 1994 at the Department of
Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, to observe the
variation of diurnal distillate production of such a plant . The maximum and minimum
diurnal experimental output of the plant as found in the study period was 0.211m2 to
2.3llm2 respectively with an average of 1.25 11m2. The estimated variation of efficiency
was 3% to 40% with an average of 19%.The salinity removal by the plant is almost
100%. Therefore, the pure water obtained from solar still canbe mixed up with feed water
prior to consumption provided the feed water is free from other impurities. However, the
mixture should not have salt concentration of more than 600 ppm.
During this period, the variation of different climatic parameters was observed to
investigate the variation of the plant yield with the change in climatic condition.
Depending on the variation of the distillate amount with climatic changes- four
mathematical models were developed to predict diurnal plant output TRS model
considers the air temperature, solar radiation and sunshine hours; TRH model considers
the air temperature, solar radiation and relative humidity; TRW model considers the air
teniperature, solar radiation and wind speed. The fourth model predicts diurnal plant yield from easily available temperature data only. Application of all the models are also
presented in predicting the plant yield with respective estimates of error.
Since the plant output varies with the climatic condition, the analysis of seasonal variation
of these climatic parameters have also been performed ,with the data collected from BMD,
for past few years . This forecasts a high plant output in April and a low output in the
months of December -January .
The mathematical model developed (Eq. 4.2) for the prediction of the diurnal plant output
from the given values of the average daily air temperature simulates the similar tretid of
variation of the observed plant yield. This model can be satisfactorily used for the
prediction of the diurnal yield for the whole year and therefore, such predictions can be
considered for the decision making purpose regarding the installation of solar still plants
in this region.
Solar radiation data is of prime importance in any desalination technique using solar
energy. This is , however ,not possible to measure solar radiation at all the localities of
Bangladesh since its measurement requires 'Pyranometer'- a costly apparatus. A model has
been developed to estimate the radiation value at this region from the easily available data
of bright sunshine hours.
This study describes the key points of a solar still plant construction with ferrocement and
wire mesh reinforcement with detailed steps of operation and maintenance. The plant
constructed, had glass as cover material . The various problems encountered at various
stages of construction ,operation and maintenance have been depicted clearly.