In this project radiation grart copolymerization of ,tyrcne/malcie anhydl'ide (Sty/MAn) and
methyl methacrylate! maleic anhydride (MM/\/MAn) binary monomer system onto low
density polyethylene (LDPE), low density polypropylene (LOPP), polyethylene pellet
(PEP), polypropylene pellet (PI'P), and heat pres~d polyethylene (llPI'E) membranes were
investigated (Scheme I) .. The synthesiled gralled products "el'e tr~ated with different
ammonia derivatives. ]n this context numerou~ ehelating functionaliz.ed radiation-graned
polymeric material~ were synthesized such as polyethylene grafted polYlner of
styrene/maleic anhydl'ide (PE_g_P(Sty/MAn)) with hydrazine, ph~nylhydrazine,
hydroxylamine, hydroxylamine hydl'Oehloride, semicarbazide, thio,emicarhazide.
thio~emicarbazide hydl'Oehloride and S_Benzyl_thiouronillm chloride (Scheme 2). ChdatiW'
functionalization behavior of mdiation.grait~d polymeric material~ of synthe~i~ed
polyethylene graited polymer or PE-g-l'(MMA/MAn) was also investigated. Anion
exehUllgeable good quality polyvinyl alcohol (PV/\) hydrogel was syntilesi,ed through
radiation technique. The synthesized grafted and chelating functionalized produ~ts.werc
characterized by the gravimetric m~thod and infrared spectroscopic technique. The affinity
of the treated grallcd film.,>and the hydrogel to recover arsenic and some heavy metals. such
as fe(lIl), Cl'(III), Cu(II), Ni(ll), Mn(II), Pb(lI) W<ISinvestigated at room tcmp~rature, 11
was found that the ~ynthesized hydrogel remove 34.54% ar~enic and 59.03% fe(lIl) and the
treated grafted membrall~s can remove 21.36% of Cu(lI) with varying amount 01. other