Use of compn:s\cd natural ga" (eNG) ill vehides CQnhelp reduce the dep'Omknce On
imported liquid fuel wIth signifiCiint ~nyir"nm~nl:ll benefits cOJlljJarcd 10 ~onventional
fuels. Natural gas resOurCein ,he country e<ln]Jelp ~Jtisfy the growing cnergy demand of
thc wad tnu"'pori sedor. TIle most imp"n"nl aspects of \'chicular a]'pllCalions of eNG
are presented in this study. erneri" considcred lllchLcle gas q'l,llily, safel\', t~chnolog).
crn'ironment, economics anclmarkl'ling i'sues,
The octanc rating, healing \'(lille. Wobbe indl'x. and other plOpelties of natural is'''' make j t
',uilable for use in \'ehicle appiJcations in place' of the c(lllvenlllllJ<llfuel. Natural ga:;,i~ also
a vcry safe fu~I i11terms of its properties and containment safety. Em ;ron1l1~ntal bl'L1cliIS
],ro\.jde an important argument for ming natural gas in vehicle appiwat;oll, J\'atural ga.,
ploduccs slgniJicanlly In, amount of hannful emissions eon'pareJ to tbe COll\'CllllOl)al
liquid Ji"e1s.
DilTerelll types oj rclLldmg s"stems. ~ol1\trsion of the cxi<;''''g petrol :md dic"t'i engines
10 mnurui gas sy,;tcms and also the slOrage of n<nural gas have beeu discussed. The
eCOllOlllleamlly~is shows an ~;..cel!ent return on the inVCSllncnt for COllVCr~I()Dof
passenger Car and cit\, (fansit bu~es. Finally, various marketing issues r~Liling.10 Ule LJoe
of natural ga" in \~hide~ have heen disGuoscd