Tlla;, Gas Transmission and Di<;trihution Company Limited (TGTDCL) is a gas
marketing company, which purcha,es gas from Bangladesh Gas Field Company Ltd,
(BGFCL) and Sylhet Gas Field Company Limited (SGFCL). This gas is translllllted
through its own and Gas TransmissIOn Company Ltd's (GTCL) transmission lines 10
various bnlk customers such as Power and Ferlili~er Producing Company and distribution
network throngh vanous Clly Gate Station (CGS), To"n Border Station (TBS), District
Regulatmg Station (DRS) and Metering Regulating Stalion (RMS) to industrial,
commercial and domes\lc users. In marketing the gas, the company ISnow facing a major
probIcm, which is known as system loss.
System loss is thai portion of gas purchased, which is not accounted for by saIcs. transfer
and company u~es or otherwise accounled for, At present the net system loss is
approximately 9%, Area wi,e in some places hke Narayangonj, this figure is near about
50%. The present level of ~ystem loss needs some reduction to bring il to an acceptable
The main objective of thi~ study is to reduce the unaccountable gas, Identification of
~aflOUS(actors related to system loss is carried out. These factor, can be elas~ified into
lwo broad elasses as a) technical loss, b) non-technical loss, Techmcal losses arc
inevllable and the level of thc same depends on pbysieal and operating condition of the
cnstomer metering stations. Non-technical losses arc the man made loss can be many and
varies witb (hfferent factors. The mam part of it is pilferage lo~s through various illegal
means like meter tampering. regulalor tempering, by pass or un-metered osage etc.
This study covers the definition, classifkallon, calculation, background and present slalu,
of system loss Some of the special ca\l~es 01'system loss with respect to Bangladesh arc
also discussed, The action program and extended action program to reduce system loss
undertaken by TGTDCL and the furore plan or recommendation in Ih,S regard are also