Exploration, dc~elopment and production of natural gas in Bangladesh arc of great
impNtance and plays vital role In our ewnomy. In Bangladesh exploration activities
commenced fT{)m the beginning of the ninteenth century. After several phases of
exploration work by government organizations and international oil CODlpllJlies (lOCs) an
overall good success ralio in drilling has been achieved. Despite our £Colo£lcalll.
prospective areas OUfexploration and development of reserves is limited becauSe of our
technical and finanCial limitations
After independence. Bangladesh has made several policy ehanges including
legislative and contractual framel-'.rJrks and competitive incentives alTered in favour 01
foreign participation. The international o.cenario in oil and gas sector is changing and in
this regard Bangladesh is getting positive responses from a number of IOCs 10 develop
this seclor This report reviews Bangladesh's explorntion history and reveals gas
development strategies. It also diseusses the current situatIOn and forwards kev
suggeslions In our present policy and contractual framework.