Economic development of the energy starv~d Western Region of Bangladesh
remained seriously impeded for a long time due to non-availabiliry of natural gas and
uncertain po" er 'upply siruation. The long cherished dream of Banglade,h for linking
the We.'lern and Eastern Part of the country was largely fulfilled with the succes~rul
conWllction of JamLLllUMultipurpose Hridge. The hi.'loric achievement opened
avenue and afforded opportunity for transportation of natural gas and power to the
energy h,mgry Western Region alongside the dramatic development of road and
railway COlllm un Icatioll.
The gAS transmi.,_,ionnetwork across .IanlUnaRiver was subsequently wmmissioned
in 1999. Systematic ""pan,ion of g~s nelwork in the We,tern Region would
contribute signifiean!ly tbe economic development through rapid industrla!ization and
it ",ill ereatc employment opportunilie, Additionally it 'Wouldsave loreign exehangc
due to cquivalenl reduction of impOltof liquid hydrocarbon,
This study identifies and analy,e, 'arious option, for expansion of gas transmission
faCilities al lhe major load centre (present and probable) for ensuring smooth and
reliable gas supply .,ecurity tor the Western Region. A commercial software is used
for netlvork design and to idcnlify the Iimitation,.
Thc ni.,ting sourcc of ga, supply, thcir capac ity, future production augmentation and
side-by-,ide the transmi"ion network arc ,cruti"i7e</ to identif} lhe options for gas
supply 10 the Western Rcgion. It "as obscf'cd lhat three oplio", were identified 10
optimi7e gas supply to tile Weslcrn Zone,