In a reservoir engineering study, pressure tranSient analysis and reservoir simulation are very
important 10 know ditYercnl reservoir information and predict flilure production performance.
This study usc, pressure transient analysis sollware SAPl HR and simulation software
EXQ[)US to lind out re:;crvoir characteristic, and production scenarios ofHaripur oil field. A
reservoir model has been built bOlh illr pressure transient analysis and reservoir simulation
Two dilferent cases have been simulated to stlldy the possibility ora gas cap. The reservoir
model lakes into account the high visco,ity effect> weltbore storage, skin, heavier
hydrocarbon, wax accumulation inside the tubing and ditTel'ent possible inner and outer
boundary conditlOns.
The model has been validaled by comparing the resulls of the pressure transient analysis with
those or IKM analysis published in the literature Also the >lmulation results have been
veriiied by comparing total simulated Pl'OdUCIiOnfrom the Haripur I (Sylhet 7) with the
actual production unlil it~ production stopped on the 14Lh o1'.July, 1994.
Thc pressure tran,ient analysi, ha5 yielded the wellbore storage coellicient, pcrmeability,
reservoir capacity and skin factor which are very e1o~eto those obtmned from the IKM study.
[n the 51mulation study, the well has produced al much lower nOv,Tatcs Ihan the aClual
flowrales, but the lotal produclion figures are very e10se From the simulatlon study, it ha5
been e~tabli~hed that inilially the reservoir has no ga~ cap The causes of the producllon
~loppage have al~o been analyzed usmg the available information m the literature