dc.description.abstract |
Ashugal\i.l3akhrabad-Dcnll'a pipelinc is operated by Gas 1'ransmission Company Limitcd
(CTCl.) and it carries almosl 40% ol'lhe nalural gas li'om l\onn Easlern pan [0 ~e1Ural
regioll i.e. Dhaka region of Bangladesh. The pipeline lcngth is 130 km and diameter
varies from 30 inches to 20 inches. l'rom operation~l point ofvievv" it is very impol1ant to
study tnc !lOV'!behavior and pressure profile ~s it supply ga> to muny im)lor[a11l
install~tions like power )llant~, t"rtili~er lactor)' and olher Lndustries. MultLpnase flow
\'ariable~ are key parameters for studying thc tlo\v p~tlern in terms of 'l\vo-Phase !low.
Sdorc studying the t\\'O phase flow in tni, pipeline, mea.,uremenl ,,[condensate I'm each
n"" mte, at dLikrcl1llocmions are important.
The ohjective or tills work is to invcstignte multiph~se flow in Ahug,mj-Baknrabad-
Demra(A13I.l) pipeline with the dala provided by GTCL. ln tnis thcsis, tncorctienl Qmount
of wndelNlte gencrated WlIScalculated by the Fla,h and Heal Balance melhod by
a,suming that g~s compo,ilions were not changed significantly ovcr a pcriod of time.
Thcll the prcdicted condensate values were ~ompared with the measured values givcn by
thc G'ICL "nd found Flash method calculated thc volume of conden,ate with 25% errol'.
A trend analy,i, was dOLleand found that flash correlation predicls the mea,ured trel1u
hetter th~n othcr correlation Then measlLL'edcondensate valucs collccted from GTCL
were uscd to calc\ll,lte the Tw()-Pha~e now parameters. Herc I'aitcl and Duckier stlatined
equilibrium model 1,)[ hotizontal and ne~t hori70nwl pipe.' wa, used. Flow pa[terlLs tor
dilTerent pipe segments were evaluated On the basis of Taitcl and Duckier model
~tratified Fl"", pallem was tound in every .,ectioll orth~ pipe. Altcr c,wbti,hing the flow
p8ttern. S\litable rr~\slLL'e prcdicting correlation,> \\'ere identilied lor Two Phase and
Singlc ph~'e 110wfrom the ILtcmture.
Pressure calculation by various methods (Marching Algorithm, Weymoulh, Panhandle A,
Pal1handIe 13and by Fekete So1\ware) \vCl"Cdone for each 8egmellts. Comparisoll betwcen
cakubted pres,>ureand mcnsured pressure data gave a elear idca about Bpplicatioll of the
correlations and limiting f,lelor,. Errm analysis was done fol' different correlation to I-Lnd
a suitable correlalion for a segment of the pipe, No s;ngle con-elatioll founcl best for the
cnter length llf th~ pi1'£. Panhand Ie 13"'QSfound the he~l p£rrorm ing prcssure correlati on,
for Segment-\. Segment-:' "here absolute average error value, for all th£ correlations
\\'ere les' than 5%. |
en_US |