dc.description.abstract |
Uncontrolled radiation is dangerous for both public and environment. In petroleum
industries, the major sources of ionizing radiation are generation of NORM (Naturally
Occurring Radioactive Materials), usc of Nuclear Well Logging techniques and
Radiography of different machine parts. To control such life threatening hazards, NSRC
Act was promulgated in 1993 and NSRC Rule8 were notified in Ranglade,h Ga7-eUein
1997. These Act and Rules arc the basis oflhi" research work.
Eight NORM samples were collected randomly from diIT~r~nl gas pru~es~ plants of
Bangladesh and the data shows that the radioactivity level [or Separator Sludge Sample W<lS
5.47 to 2811.50 pei/gm [safe limit: 5 rei/gm] and for Produced Water Sample was 1163,82
to 1424,94 peiiL [saFe limi!: 5 pCi/L]. Finally, data are analyzed by geostmistical approach
to gct model equation~ and ~ome recommendations are made for ensuring radiation safety,
An extensive Nuelear Well Loggmg ~urvey was conducted at Titas Well No, 5 and data
show~ that the safe distance to avoid radiation dose must be 11.5 meter for Illes gamma
source and 24 meter for wArn_Be neutron source. For proper shielJing of these two
sources, an extra 2.81 cm lead for I17CSsource and 67.00 em diameter waler shielding for
241Am-Be source must he u~ed to reduce lhe radiation dose for well loggers.
Fur Industrial Radiography part, a detail survey wa., carried oul at radH)aclive source
storage pit uF Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Ltd and data ~how~ that
the diameter of "Controlled Area" for both the two present Inlr gamma sources are 140
meter. Care must be taken to avoid any sort of souree lost silllation from the device as the
safe distance for these two sources are 500 meter. For propcr shielding of these two
sources, an extra 4,21 cm lead for 1~21rsouree [Model No 5476; Serial No. 03840 B] and
4.12 cm lead for Inlr source [Model No. 5399; Serial No. 03841 BJ lTIllstlJe ll,ed to en~ure
mdiation safet)' lor mdlOgraphers. Besides, the author tried to point oul many deliciencies,
which should be removed to reduce the radiation dose to the personnel of gas indus!ry uf
Bangladesh. |
en_US |