dc.description.abstract |
Several foreign archlfec15 were commlssk:lned In Bangladesh [erstwhile East Pakistan)
during sixties and their canliibution Is significant in the cantemporary realm of
architecture. Though the architecture of this period remains controversjal In lefms of
contlnufty and hlOOrlcprecedence gave rise to a new trend of Irrterna~onalism and
opened a new horizon to the future generation. BesIde the work of Louis I, Kahn's
CapMoI COmplex. other archITec15 wIlo contribLl1ed In the mid sixties includes
Constantfn Doxiadls. Richard Neufra. Slan/ey TIgerman, Paul Rudolf, Robert Boughy etc,
The appolntment of tI1esearchitects seems to be rather new specially because tt1ese
architects had no previous contacts of any form, polftical and social, Architects like
COnstantinA. OOxldlsfrom Greece and others from America were completely allen to
OUTsocial, cllmatlc and cuttural context. Thus"thearchitecture produced by tt1eforeign
architects always provtdes areas for Inquiry.
ThiSthesis Investlgale the worksand !he philosophy of C. A. Doxladls,a Planner-Architect
flam Greece. who produced a subs1antialnumber of works in Bangiadesh as well as
other Third World countnes, Doxladls born in 1913. was trained as Archltect-Engineer-
Planner. He worked In "thilly---slxdevek:lping counfrles, Doxiadis nod studied,
programmed, planned and designed a great number of human and Industrial
settlements, power and public works, commerce and tourism, transportatton and
communications, housing, urban renewal projects,
The work of this Architect-Planner-Engineerhas an Important impacf In tt1earchltecfural
world of Bangladesh in lerms of IiOlume and definitely to a certain extent in terms of
archlfectural qualifY. Thepurpose of thistt1eslsIsto expk:lrethe worksof Doxladlsand
relate ITto his other worksIn Bangladesh and abroad,
OOxladls views architecture as a science of human settlements and denotes the
interrelationship of man with his envlronment. He percetved arChitecture as totol
building acfivilies Where professionals from different sphere will participate. The
dissertation also discussesand explains Doxladls' philosophy, his Arch!tectural 1'I':)r\I:n;
Bangladesh and his global works, It concludes wtlh a brief crmcol analysis of the works
of Doxladls.
A surveyhas also been done on the \K.lrlousarch!tectural aspects of the projects and
the opinion of the usershave been recorded. The usersreaction were In many case
satisfactory and positive, A long time has passed since C,A.Doxiadls worked In this
countly and hisworkstand as significant edifices of a foreign architect. |
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