The ruml people of Banglade,h arc mostly dependent on hand tube wells for
dri nking water _A significant number of tube \' elis e~tracl ground watcr cOlllaminated
by arsenic thaI has geological origin. MallY technologies are used for removal of
arsenic fWln g,-nund "ater. But the performances of all of these technologies are not
al the sam~ Icvel and lheir acceptahility both socially and economically are dilTcrcnt.
In the prescnt study an attempt has been made tu evaluJle the performance 0 f different
arsenic rcmo\'~1 and alternative technologies in diffelellt wcioecollomic regions in
three \lpazilas of Bangladesh. The upazilas are la\\'ardi in Pahna district, Sonatgaon in
Narayanganj di"lrict and Kauchua in Chadpur districls
In the study area the pmcticed methods illclude lwo arsenic removal methods namely
Three Pitcher Filler and Shapla Filter and sevcral olher arscnic alternativc methods
namely Pond Sand Fillcr, Rain Waler Harve~ting, Dug".ells. Tarap\llnp, Canada
l3angladcsh Water Filter and Deep Tubewcll. COllsidering the arSenLCrcmoval
effi~ieney, CU,lomer satisfaction, e~onomlc considerations, and operation and
maintcnam.~ peoples of the area prefer Shapla Filler lor arsenic removal and Pond
Sand Filler for arsenic alternative technology. Pcople prefer a~enic alternalive
technology to arsenLcrcmoval lcclmology