A substantial improvement in productivity le~el in the industrial
sector is an urgent need for the,~ountry. This has been ob~
served that the workers performance level in this sector is far
below compared to any standard. The possible reasons are ineffective
policy monitoring and inappropriate and lack of basic researc~
effort. Also there exists a "gaP" in between proposed policies and
the actual implementation and execution of these policies towards
their achievements. The pr~sent research work was directed towards
,such an important aspect namely estimation of the labour productivity
in soma selected manUfacturing units. Effcirt has been given to
find out ,the factors influencing the labour performance.
A performance model h2s been proP9sed showing different factQrs
which impede Dr impel fhe productivity of a worker. The rela~
',tive:,importance of these factors has also been shown in the propos~
dmocJel. A m'ul'tiPleregression analysis has been carried out using . :,'
data as obtained through questionnaire surveys among both the managemen£'(
xecutives and the workers in the shop floor. It has been
observed that workers' job performance is highly correlated with
"knowledge", "Skill", "Social Conditions","Ind"ividual Need","Physical
Conditions" and "other related factors". It has also been observed
that the quantitative values of these factors and their relevant
and appropriate sub~factors as o'btained through proposed OUantification
scales are sufficiently significant in estimating the labour
• performance indices in similar engin,eering plants.