In the present study, an attempt has been made for applying the Palmcr mcthod in
drought analysis in the Northwest (NW) region of Bangladesh. Palmer Drought
Severity Index CPOSI) actually uses a supply and dcmand model for the amount of
moisture in the soil. The method defined drought period as an interval of timc during
which the actual moisture supply at a givcn place falls short of the climatically
expected or appropriate moisturc supply.
In the study the PDSI was calculated on monthly basis as per original formulation by
Palmer, though a shorter timescale is more appropriate for irrigation scheduling in
Bangladcsh. The drought analysis by the method showed that all of the stations of
NW region experienced some degrees of drought conditions. The method quantified
the average occurrence of drought in the region in 34 percent of the study time from
1972 to 2002. The available literature shows that thc average occurrence of drought is
once in 2.5 years. The method identified the most common drought occurrences in
years like 1972.73, 1975.76, 1976.77, 1978.79, 1979.80, 1982-83, 1992.93, 1994.95,
1999 and 2001.2002 in selected fifteen stations in the region. Thus the method could
identitY the historical drought occurrences of Bangladesh like the year 1975, 1979,
1981.82, 1984, 1989, 1992.93 and 1994.95. The occurrences of extreme drought
conditions were observed only in 3.6 percent of total time. In the study, thc Palmer
method has identified the month of October rather than November or December as thc
beginning of highest percentage of drought spells in the region. The method could
identify Kharif droughts during the period from June/July to October. The method has
identified the month of April rather than Mayor June as the ending of highest
percentage of drought spells in the region.
The suitability of the application of the Palmer method as a drought analyzing tool in
NW region of Bangladesh has been assessed in the study by comparing the results of
this method with those obtained from two other methods: i) the Standard Precipitation
Index (SPl) method and ii) the Herbst method. The comparison was made in terms of
several drought features such as the onset and termination of drought, duration and
severity. The SPI is a standardized transform of the probability of the observed
precipitation. The method used half-monthly observed rainfall data to analyze drought
on the monthly time scale. The Herbst method quantified droughts on a half-monthly
time scale using different drought parameters such as mean half-monthly rainfall,
weighting factors, carryover, mean half monthly deficit etc. The method has no
drought severity scale rather provides relative measures of droughts. The average
occurrence of drought was in 22.3 percent and 22 percent of study time in the SPI and
the Herbst methods respectively. These two methods have also identified the same
drought years in NW region as in the Palmer method in the present study. The highest
percentage of beginning of drought spells occur in the months of March and
November respectively in the SPI and Herbst methods while the highest percentage of
ending of drought spell occurs in the month of April in the SPI method and in
MaylJune in the Herbst method.
While applying Palmer method in drought analysis of NW region of Bangladesh,
some limitations were noticed in addition to those already identified by many
researchers. Despite these limitations, thc performance of the method in comparison
with the SPI and Herbst methods seems realistic in NW region of Bangladesh in tenns
of drought occurrences and severity. But a more detailed study is recommended for
quantitative assessment of the influence of soil moisture on drought occurrences in
Bangladesh. The Palmer method can be used extensively for monitoring drought
conditions and for making operational water management decisions in Bangladesh
after some modifications to the method.