dc.description.abstract |
Road traffic systcm comprises of three components viz. road, vehicle and human.
Like roadway fault and human error, defective and road unworthy motor vehicles
on road pose a threat to safety of road traffic system. In developing countries. it is
likely that vehicle defects are more alien a pronounced factor in accidents as
vehicle conditions arc generally much worse. The vehicle Ikct consist usually old
reconditioned vehicles or vehicles locally modified with littlc or no consideration
at all to passcnger safety. Besides, buses are olien constructed on truck chassis
using materials and designs that offer little or no protection to passengers in the
event of an accident. Leg room between seats is olien exceptionally poor in order
to squeeze the maximum number of seats in the vehicle and the scat frames
themselves arc usually formed from angle steel, frequently causing amputation of
limbs in an accident. Emergency exits, when provided, arc olien blocked by a row
of seats, making their usc dit1icult. Modification of seating arrangement, fixing
additional features with the vehicle like strong bumpers. rooliop railing etc arc
also pose a great safety hazard. Defective vehicles may emerge as dreadliJl in the
realm of ever-increasing road accident menace.
The study is carricd out in attempt to identify the most common vehicular defects
and their inlluence on road accidents in Bangladesh. In this study accident data
collected from the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge (.1MB) approach roads by the
Accident Data Unit (ADU) of JOMAC (the toll collection and bridge maintenance
agency) is used. It is found that during the period of 0 1-0 1-99 to 30-04-04, a total
of 1013 accidents occurred involving 2155 casualties on about 39 km section of
roadway, which includes 14.76 km east approach, 16.54 km west approach roads
and 4.8 km long bridge itself. Among these accidents. due to different vehicular
faults a total of 1G7 accidents had occurred involving 686 casualties. In terms of
the percentage of total accidents the contribution of vehicular defects is calculated
IG.G percent and in terms of total casualties caused by the same factor is 3 I .9
percent. The common vehicular faults are identified as tyre bursting, brake failure,
axle failure. whecl jam and wheel-off from axle, passenger fall-down Irom rooftop
etc. It is found that the most serious vehicular fault is tyre bursting which accounts
for 42.5 percent accidents and 83.7 percent casualty of all vehicular defects related accidents, which is followed by passenger fall down from rooftop (7%),
brake failure (5.7%), wheel/drum off or jam (2.6%), axle fallen (0.9%) and
defcctive light (0.1 'Yo). In terms of the total accidents and casualty the contribution
of tyre burst tantamount to about 7.0 percent and 26.6 percent respectively. Due to
tyre burst type accidents trucks involved in 59 percent incidcnees and buses
involved in 79.8 percent casualties of the total 71 accidents and 574 casualties. It
is found that rear tyre burst incidences are higher than front tyre burst incidences,
but front tyre burst incidences are more vulnerable than rear tyre burst incidences.
Trucks involved in the highest number of rear left tyre burst accidents than buses.
Based on the frequency of accidents and field condition survey that the rear-left
tyre is found to be the most defective and prone to bursting. Due to break failure
type accidents buses involved in more casualties than trucks and light vehicles.
Trucks involved in the highest number of casualties due to wheel jam, axle fallen
or tie rod broken of 89 percent and 67 percent respectively, lIence, trucks are
identified as the most defective and accident-prone vehicle followed by bus and
light vehicles respectively. By any comparison these findings are dreadfully
higher than those in developed countries.
From heavy vehicle's condition survey it is found that front leli tyre and rear left
tyre arc more defective than front right tyre and rear right tyre. It is found that
spear tyre, brake system, wheel, wiper, exit door and sitting arrangement
modification of vehicles are found poor or absent in 32 percent, 18 percent, 43
percent, 50 percent, 64 percent, and 75 percent of vehicles. It is also found that 46
percent vehicles have no fitness certificate, 88 percent buses have railing on
rooftop and 75 percent buses engine cover have modif1ed for passenger seat,
Questionnaire survey as well as vehicle condition survey reveled that the rampant
use of rubber lining tyre, unrestricted import of lower quality tyre, inadequate and
insufficient fitness checking arrangement, lack of vehicle fitness checking in the
field, poor vehicle maintenance practice, modification of vehicle specification,
improper way of vehicle overloading, general tendency of delerring the
replacement of defective parts by vehicle owners etc. arc identified as the mitior
underlying causes of vehicular defect related problems. |
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