dc.description.abstract |
An Analy,is of tILeStrategic Management I.,"e, in Private Uni-cr,ilies of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a densely populated country with population of ahout 130 million, The
demand for higher cdUCa!lOnis large and is Increasing day by day. But the number of
seals at the public universities is very limlled. Therefore, huge number of students
remains away from admission in the higher ed\lc~tion instillilions and human capital is
not converting into human resources. To overcome this dire Situation of higher education
enrollment, the Government of Bangladesh passed a Bill of Private Universities in
Bangladesh. Under this Private University Act in 1992, 53 private universities an;
operating in the country. Recently. quality of education in private university has become
the burning iSSlleof higher education.
To meet the qllality in education. the writer has emphasized on several strategic
management issues which university should pursue to remain cornpetlti'-e and to sustain
in the eompetltive market. These are: (1) Quality Education Strategy (ii) Teaching &
Learning Stralegy (iii) Quality Function Deployment (iv) Human Resource Development
Strategy (v) Marketing Strategy (vi) Quality of Research & Education Strategy and (vii)
ISO 9000 in Highcr Education.
Quality Education Strategy focuscs Oil cllt'ricuhnTI, libral)' faCilities, equity, foreign
academic collaboration, credlt hour system, awards, industrial attachment etc. Teaching
and Learning Strategy focus 0 n class-room 1eetmes, s imlllation exercise, homework &
quiz, visual aid, model test, study tour, tcacher'~ evaluation etc. Quality FunctIOn
Deplo}TI1entfocuses on customer (student) expectations, often referred to as the voice of
the customer. It is a planning tool used to fulfill student expcctations. Human Resource
Strategy focuses on recmitment, trainmg and development, appraisal, and promotion of
emplQyees. Marketing Strategy focuses on relationship marketing amI theories of
marketing in higher edueation_ Quality of Research & Education Strategy focuses on
nation system for quality education and internal system for education quality
management. lSO 9000 Strategy basically deseribcs how its various elements can be
fitted and eontrihnted towards quality education in private um versitics' settings. |
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