dc.description.abstract |
GrameenPhonc LId, Is the largest mobIle phone operator in Bangladesh with more than 20
fiLHian ,ub,criber, and around 12000 Base Slations at 6000 locations all over the country? The
quality of (he network is largely depends upon the ~uality of:-lcwly on Air sites. With the huge
implementation pace the quality of newly on Air ,ite' are creating some COncerns,
Aller gelling on Air ofa site it pa>se, through Stability P~'Tiodfor allcast n hours, During this
period the base Station is checked for (wo important quality parameters ". reM quality & Cell
quality. A good quall!Y site musl pass lhe,e parameters, My focus in this the.i. is to improve the
quality of ncV. 1)' 011Aired siles,
In this the,i" I studied & analyze lhe overall plan1l1ng, Implementation and "cceplancc process.
I studied STP data & TR feedback & de,elop slalislieal Process conlrol system using Control
Chm, Pareto analysis, Cause-Effect diagram. I identify lhe rool cauSe~ of differenl kind, of
problems those are responsible for poor quality and prOVidesuggestion for lbe soluli[)ns, Overall
I develop a model for quailly improvement keeping lhe roll oul paee on going. |
en_US |