There is a worldwide concern on damage of bridge caused by local scour around
bridge pier. Structural failures of bridge induced by local scour usually occur in
extreme cases of flood flows interacting with pier or when considerable sediment
transport occurs and bed forms produced below the threshold condition due to very
fine sediments. An additional complexity is the composition of the sediment, which is
usually a mixture of alluvial sand and clay. Experience has shown all too often that
scouring can progressively undermine the pier, as complete protection against
scouring is usually prohibitively expensive. So, the designer must seek the ways to
guide and control the process to minimize the risk of failure.
Regarding all the complexity mentioned above, the present experimentation IS
performed under mobile bed conditions with the aim of investigating the general
characteristics of local scour, considering the riverbed materials and the pier shapes
commonly employed in Bangladesh. Also experimental study is conducted to
investigate the effect of cohesive sediment on local scour. An additional series of
experiments is undertaken as the measures of reducing the potential local scouring
around bridge piers. The total numbers of forty-five experimental runs are performed
for this present case.
In evaluating the general behavior of local scour, non-cohesive ripple forming
sediment is used. In this case a flat bed cannot be maintained even under the critical
flow velocity. Although critical flow velocity is considered a demarcation point for
distinguishing clear water and live bed condition by most of the earlier investigators,
this consideration is not valid for this particular condition.
The scour map is constructed and analyzed to investigate the extent, slope and
location of maximum scour hole. Also, parameters related to flow characteristics and
pier geometry, which influence the maximum depth, are studied.
To investigate the effect of cohesive sediment content in riverbed, five sediment beds
with different percentage of cohesive and non-cohesive materials are undertaken. The
scour map as well as the sediment property is analyzed. A decreasing tendency of
maximum scour depth with increasing degree of cohesiveness is found due to increase
in inter-molecular bondage. Reduction of scour is further enhanced by increasing the
non-uniformity of sediment sizes, which leads to armouring phenomena in the bed
and scour hole. Dimensionless sediment number (0*), a more representative
parameter is introduced in this present study to express the characteristics of sediment
mixture in terms of mean sediment diameter, sediment gradation, and percentage of
both cohesive and non-cohesive sediment.
Scour around different pier shapes, pier with collar and pier with splitter are also
experimentally investigated to observe their efficacy as reduction measures in noncohesive
sediment bed under live bed conditions. Circular and round-nose pier with
different length width ratio, keeping a constant effective width shows a considerable
reduction in scouring due to stream aligning effect. Collar, an effective reduction
measure in case of clear water condition, is also applicable for live bed condition as it
reduced the down flow, but the effectiveness decreases at a certain amount in this
case. Collar with round-nose pier is much more effective as both stream lining and
reduction in down flow occurs simultaneously. Splitter, by stream lining the flow,
also reduce scour in considerable amount if it is constructed at the upstream face of
the pier.
Finally, a design guideline is proposed to estimate maximum scour in ripple-forming
sediment bed where live bed condition typically prevails.