dc.description.abstract |
With the intention to provide housing to the low income people, the then government
organization of Bangladesh, the Housing and Settlement Directorate (HSD) launched a
housing program In the area of Mlrpur of Dhaka City under the Dhaka Urban
Infrastructure Improvement Program (DUllP). This project was financed by Asian
Development Bank (ADS). The project was Implemented with a view to provide some
specific development of services and facilities for housing a predefined limited Income
target population. The housing was developed upon vacant pocket lands within
already developed high and middle class residential areas (vacant areaS and low
lands), This study was intended to evaluate the attainment of the project objectives
as per the predefined designed standards.
According to the plan the land was subdivided Into small plots of 40 sq. m. (13' x 33')
on average and provisions were made for circulation, drainage and sewerage network.
other services like electricity and water supply were provided here as a result of the
local illitlative, not by the normal Intervention of the concerned authorities. A
significant percentage of plots were lYing vacant when there was acute shortage of
hOUSingfor low income people,
Maximum buildings were of semi-permanent structure. There were found considerable
percentage of permanent structures and a few buildings were of two and three
stoned. A Significant percentage of bUildings were built covering mOre than one plot.
Though thiS project was designed for low income people maximum plot owners were
of good economic condition at the time of the study. The owners and occupants were,
by profession lawyer, doctor, banker, college teacher, garments owner etc So their
income level was higher than the targeted one. MaXimum plot owners took building
construction here as a financial investment. They earn a Significant share of their
income from house rent. A few plot owners were found not living there; they were
living outside the DUliP areas. A small number of owners were living in abroad. As It
was meant for low income people, so it was expected that the plot owners would not
be capable to pay the price of plot at a time, instead they would pay it through small
installments of below two hundred Taka per month. But there were some plot owners
who paid the full price of the plot at a time. A significant percentage of plot owners
were found who had not purchased their plot from Housing and Settlement
Directorate (HSD), rather they purchased it from the original Owner Or from
Intermediate owners.
- II -
According to the plan the target people were capable to expend 10% of their
disposable expenditure for their housing purpose. But this smallsl~e expenditure was
~ot consistent with the residential development of that designed standard. The
deslg~ed standard of this residentlal project fit with the people of higher income level
than the target people, Few plot owners who purchased their plot directly from HSD
and were with in the designed Income level developed their housing unit with katcha
stnlCture a~d very few with semi-pucca structure. The other section of the target
people who initially got the plot from HSD were later forced to sell it out because of
their inability to build their housing unit.
From the study, it was found that the physical standards and overall project type did
not match the capacity of the target population. It might be due to the economic
condition of the targeted people or the pressure of already developed residential
surroundings or the pressure of other political and elite class,
50 the study found that the main objective of this housjng program to provide limited
income people with hOUSing,was not attained. The project failed to address the
hOUSingproblem of targeted low-i~come group. Hence it is suggested that the
standards of housing projects should be made COllslste~twith the affordability of the
target group. |
en_US |