Fore8eemg urban growth and accordingly predicting fllture urban extent is ah,ays
accepted as it vital issue lor any urban planning decision making process, Diffcrent
leclmigue,> and models have alr{;d.liyhecn developed for Simulating the dynamics of
urban growth that can bc employed for this prediction process. This study applicd the
concept of Cellular Automata (CA) to simLilalc the historical growth paUem of Dhaka
Metropolitan Area (DMA), It has calibrated the SLEUTH CA based model for Ihis
and predictcd the f,ducc growth scenario for dlITcrent policy decisions in this urban
The theory of Cel1ular ALilomaton (CA) has been wlde]y uscd to Slm\Llatc urban
gro\\1h for pasl few ye"rs, It requires that the space shoLild hc represented as a grid of
cells that can change stale as thc model,terates. These changes are regulated by rules
that specify a set of neighborhood conditions to be mCI before" change in state can
occur. Urban landscape can be lessellated according to its land Liseor spatial extent 01'
development, Th,s cell-based framework can be utilized 10 apply the theory of
automata and therehy to model its complex struclmc using simple lransition rules.
Tilis study found that CA applies the samc transition niles throughoutlhe space. As a
result same growth rate happens tnroughout the cell space irreRpcctive of their
10ca[lOn in relation 10 the exisling urban areas. This study mtroduced a travel eost
approach 10 the model which assumes Ihat development probability wlll decrease
ibrough space with increased dlStanec (and incrcased travel dliTiculty due 10
lopography) from the existing urban centers. lt introduced Ihe travel cost a, a pan of
the eXCI\l~lOn layer or Ihe model. Through cahbTalion of the two modding
fi:a1n~works (one wlth travel co,t and one withoLit travel cost) It was found that the
model with travel CQRthas better capahility to Sil]1\Llatcthe historical growth pattem of
the silidy area. As u result, it employcd the model with travel cost for future gro\\,th
prediction of the study area for different poliey scenarios.
Through observation of the best fit coefficients of the model it was fmInd that the
~tLLdyarea is expericncing high in-fill and edge growth throughout the urban centers.
Diffused growth is also occurring; significantly at the viClmty of the urban centers.
The~e diffused ;etllcmcnts have some significant probability to evolve further as
urhan centers, Existing road networks are also significantly influencing the overall
groVv1hprocess of the study arca.
The best fit coefficicnts were applied for future growth predic\lon ofthc study area Lor
the period 2008-1030. D,rrcrent policy scenarios were developed based on the
de\,elopmcnt plans and policies for the study area (i.e. DMDP and STP) It was found
that throllgh Introduction of new roads, the study area will experience an accelerated
growth throughout the prediction time period. Through impOSItion or environmental
restrictions, the study area will experience decelerated growth in future, lmposition of
development rcstriction on agricultural land also will significantly retard thc overall
growth of the study area. Imposition of all restriction and mtroduction of the new
roads also shows a reduced growth trend throughout the prediction time period.
Tluollgh analysis of the calibration results and thc predIction capability of the model,
this sllldy has sho",ed that CA is an effectivc approach to simulatc urban growth
dynamics of DMA. $ustainability of urban growth can hc cnsured tluough propcr
apr lication of this kind of model in the planning dccision making of this urban region