The rnpid urbanization of Dhaka has led to brisk outward urban expansion, results in
unplanned transformation from rural to urban land usc with inadequate infrastructure
facilities. A close scrutiny of the city development reveals that most parts of Dhaka
have developed in an unpianned manner whereas very few parts have been developed
in a planned manner. In this proce~s private ",ctor played the dominant ",Ie while
public sector limited itself to infrastructure development and service provision.
Growth of large >.eetionso(Dhaka by private individual initiatives has taken place in
an unplanned manner due to absence of proper guidance by the concerned authorities.
Development by individual plot owners i, an age old tradition of Dhaka. Many
residential areas of central Dhaka grew by individual initiatives at local level.
Problem~ of lhe>e unplanned residential areas are known by all. Such kind of
development lrend is slill in practice though in recenl years private land development
companies arc active to develop large lracks of land for housing. The trend of
development by the individual land oWners ;s mostly visible in fringe areas of Dhaka.
It i, evidenl from the three study areas (Badda, Gabtoli lind Matuail) thlll local people
at their own iniliative tornl a committee/ Sumily to make plan for lheir locality.
Degree of involvemenl of local people in lhc,", wmmitlee organizalions varies in
three study areas due to SOme specific reasons. The land owners have ~ery linle
knowledge about planning and they have very little idea abOlll rules and regulation,>.
A, a re'lIll all these newly developed areas suffer from enormous problems,
The study has revealed the overall s;tualion of the area along with their development
process, 1l is observed from the sludy that over lhe lime period from 1995102006,
uoplanned development lakes place al a fast pace in all the three study areaS. The""
unplanned areas suffer from lack of service and utilities, severe shortage of open
spaec and community tacilities, narrow and uneven access road nCI\_ork. Mo~t of
these arCaSdo nol totlow the building rules imd regulation. !l is evidenl from lhe ,tudy
that mosl oflhe landowners arc eager to acecpl any Wr! of~upport regarding planning
and development of their areas from relevant aulhorilies. From the interview of Ihe
p",fessionals and relcvant aUlhorilie.l, il is >"ggested most thaI the Delailed Area
Planning will he the opportunity to overcome the situation with active participation of
the local people.
The policies and institutional short comings are also reviewed. This study will he
helpful to fonnulate a comprohensive planning effort to guide the unplanned growth
in the fringe areas through the private individual initiatives. Especially, through the
Detailed Area Planning phase these unplanned areas can be brought undcr specific